Birthing, Prenatal and Postpartum Care with Dr. Lindsay Mumma, DC

Pregnancy is one of the most magical moments in a woman’s life. It feels powerful to know that you are creating another human inside of you. It is a very exciting and enjoyable time that may also bring fears and uncertainties to both mother and baby.

A woman’s body is forever altered by pregnancy. Without proper nutrients, it can be weakened by the physical and psychological changes in pregnancy and childbirth, making mothers-to-be more at risk in future pregnancies. This is why access to prenatal care is vital to every pregnant woman.

Equally important is postpartum care, which helps mothers adjust to the changes their bodies have gone through. Postpartum care also includes making sure that the social and emotional changes caused by giving birth are addressed.

Today, cesarean (C-section) intervention is 500% higher than in the 1970s. Not surprisingly, we’ve also seen higher maternal mortality rates. One in three babies are now born via C-section, compared to 1 in 20 in the mid-1970s.

Though a very common procedure, C-section is still major surgery with a wide range of complications including organ injury, hemorrhage, and a three-fold higher rate of infection. Despite the risks, hospitals often push for C-section birth because it costs less money to perform a C-section and they are paid more in insurance reimbursements.

In today’s episode, Dr. Lindsay Mumma and I talk about preparing for pregnancy, birthing, postpartum care, and our grave concerns about COVID injections for children and pregnant women.

Lindsay Mumma, DC, is the owner of Triangle Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center in Raleigh, NC, a multidisciplinary practice she opened in 2012 after graduating with a Clinical Excellence Award. She began her career with a focus on sports rehab, but when she wanted to get pregnant, she realized the approach of prehabilitation and rehabilitation techniques was irrelevant to (and missing from) most perinatal care.

Please note: for the next several weeks I will be taking some time off for self-care and to create more amazing content for you. Thank you for your patience and for being a loyal listener.

Take a seat and listen to this very important conversation, especially if you are a mom or are about to embark on a new parenting journey.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • Lindsay’s turning point to specialize in prenatal and postpartum care
  • Why natural birth is better than surgical birth
  • The challenges of surgical birth
  • Why taking medications during pregnancy can be problematic
  • The concerns about scheduling birth as a trend
  • Ways to prepare for a natural birth
  • How COVID-19 injections affect mother and child

Learn more about Lindsay Mumma, DC:

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