Here is your life assessment result

Copper Overload

What is copper overload?
Copper overload (also called toxicity), often hereditary, is an inability to eliminate excess copper effectively. It is not the same as Wilson’s Disease, a rare genetic disorder.

Why is it a problem?
Copper toxicity profoundly affects every system in the body, especially the reproductive, nervous, and glandular systems. It also has a devastating effect on mental health because it lowers dopamine (a neurotransmitter that controls the brain’s pleasure and reward centers) and increases norepinephrine (another neurotransmitter that also functions as a stress hormone) in the brain. Imbalances in these important neurotransmitters are related to anxiety and panic disorders, depression (especially postpartum), bipolar disorder, ADHDautism, violent behavior, and paranoid schizophrenia.

Who can have copper overload?
I often see females with high anxiety, chronic fatigue, severe PMS, and depression to be overloaded in copper due to the relationship between copper and estrogen. However, any gender of any age can have this condition and it is an intrinsic part of autism. Copper rises with estrogen and is an essential component of blood vessel formation during pregnancy. Women who have had more than one child are at greater risk of developing copper overload.

How can we fix it?
Copper can be safely eliminated and balanced within the body through dietary and nutrient therapy.

Note: results are NOT a diagnosis. Lab testing is required to determine if you have copper overload.

Ready to start the healing process?

Get the The Low Copper Diet cookbook.

Sami and Group Eating Healthy