Yeast Overgrowth and Yeast Toxicity Tips

Yeast Overgrowth and Yeast Toxicity Tips. There was a time in my life when I really struggled with gut dysbiosis (microbial imbalance). Back then I thought I was doing myself justice by eating a strictly plant-based diet. You’d think with all those fresh raw plant foods everyone touts as “super” I’d have been in tip-top shape.

Instead, my hair got so thin my ponytail was the size of a dime, my nails became extremely brittle, and I developed a nasty rash around my mouth. Add in the fact that I couldn’t seem to digest anything anymore, and that my anxiety and depression were the worst they had ever been, and I’m sure you’d agree that I was a big hot mess.

Many of my clients suffer from yeast overgrowth and are constantly cleansing with some relief of symptoms, but unfortunately, until the entire engine gets an overhaul (the root cause is uncovered) those nasty little microbes continue to invade and wreak havoc.

When dysbiosis is present, the body is not generating its master antioxidants glutathione and metallothionein, which protect the body from pathogenic attacks, heavy metal toxicity, and immune system dysfunction to name a few.

Whenever a client presents with yeast overgrowth, I always look at the role epigenetic disorders play in their symptoms, triggers, and experiences (both emotional and physical). One simply cannot go on an anti-candida diet and expect to have complete relief and remission without first looking at methylation imbalances, copper overload and other heavy metals, as well as zinc and other nutrient deficiencies. In other words, any healing protocol must take into account an individual’s unique biochemistry.

I know many of you will have a hard time with this statement, but the truth is that the safest foods come from the animal kingdom, especially in the prevention and elimination of yeast overgrowth.

Here’s a list of the most common triggers:

  • Foods containing any kind of sugar – cane, high fructose corn syrup, agave, brown sugar, maple syrup, honey, brown rice syrup, fruits, fresh and dried
  • Foods that contain mold or fungus or encourage it to grow – legumes, cashews, peanuts
  • Foods that are fermented or might encourage fermentation – alcohol, most vinegars and condiments, kimchi and sauerkraut
  • High starch foods, especially those that contain gluten
  • Anything artificial, processed, containing chemicals or additives, imitation or artificial seasonings, and flavorings and colorings

As I mentioned, the entire person needs to be taken into consideration when embarking on a healing protocol. Many of my clients are also triggered by foods high in naturally occurring chemicals such as salicylate, oxalate, glutamate, and/or sulfur, so I always look at foods that contain them in abundance.

Keep in mind that anyone can react to anything at any time depending on a multitude of factors: emotional stress (abuse – self-inflicted or from another person), physical stress (such as too much exercise or working too many hours), environmental stress (such as contaminated tap or well water, polluted air, and industrial cleaners).

When embarking on a healing journey, I find simple is best. This does not mean without taste. In fact, I have found the simplest of dishes to be the most flavorful and beneficial at the same time. A good one to try is my zucchini chicken soup.

Do you struggle with yeast overgrowth? If so, I’d love to know about your experience in the comments below. It is through sharing your story that we create community, eliminate guilt and shame, and bring about healing.

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7 Responses

  1. So I’ve heard that probiotics can help with this as well as relieve anxiety and depression. I just gave my daughter Culturelle probiotic the last 3 days and the last 2 days she’s been so sick she’s been home from school. Is there a reason why she reacted this way? Wondering if we should stop or keep going?

    1. The right strains will help but must be included in an overall therapy plan with lab testing. I use the organic acids urine test to start. Culturelle is a lactobacillus plus inulin (prebiotic) product and not one I recommend. If she has gut dysbiosis, this could be feeding microbes and would thus explain the reaction.

  2. Good article. So hard to treat with little ones! Do you recommend avoiding all ferments if yeast is an issue? Would a good sauerkraut or almond milk yogurt be harmful?

  3. I too am curious about staying off ferments and which probiotic is appropriate, there is a lot of conflicting information out there e.g GAPS, Body Ecology, Feast Without Yeast etc. My son has yeast toxicity, high copper, high aluminum, high cadmium and is an overmethylator and borderline pyroluria. He will begin Nystatin in a week along with nutrient therapy to address the above. Thanks for your input.

  4. I am 47 years old and have battled yeast since infancy because of abx due to ear infections. I was eating straight up sugar at 4 years old – i started trying to read your ebook. I have lyme diease and in 20p13 was told I had the second worst cas of systemic yeast my lyme literate doctor had ever scene. I also have compounf heterozygous MTHFR. Now a back injury and because I’m toxic from the inside out, I’m not the easiest person to be around or help (not just becauseof bein rude but because i don’t make sense), i don’t have any support and none of this stuff makes sense anymore. I probably got wet brain from all the sugar i’ve consumed and i can tell from the die off from the lotramin lozenges it’s in my bones. Just needed to vent because I can’rt even work to earn the money to eat right. I mean, my temp has been llike 95 since 2014 but when the docs tak e it it’s higher and they think i’m crazy.

  5. I am 47 years old and have battled yeast since infancy because of abx due to ear infections. I was eating straight up sugar at 4 years old – i started trying to read your ebook. I have lyme diease and in 20p13 was told I had the second worst cas of systemic yeast my lyme literate doctor had ever scene. I also have compounf heterozygous MTHFR. Now a back injury and because I’m toxic from the inside out, I’m not the easiest person to be around or help (not just becauseof bein rude but because i don’t make sense), i don’t have any support and none of this stuff makes sense anymore. I probably got wet brain from all the sugar i’ve consumed and i can tell from the die off from the lotramin lozenges it’s in my bones. Just needed to vent because I can’rt even work to earn the money to eat right. I mean, my temp has been llike 95 since 2014 but when the docs tak e it it’s higher and they think i’m crazy. The self loathing IS pathological. It’s not you. You are loveable. It’s just the mold talkomg – tell it to shut up. It’s a liar.

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