Carrot Dill Soup

By Samantha Gilbert, FNC, CHNP     Last updated on April 22nd, 2021

Carrot Dill Soup

My Carrot Dill Soup is perfect for Spring and contains one of my favorite vegetables: the highly versatile carrot.

Breads, cakes, french fries, purees, soups, you name it, these babies can become almost anything (just don’t juice them, too much sugar).

The main reason I love them so much? They’re good for all biotypes! Yes, over and undermethylated, copper overload, and pyroluria; plus they are well tolerated by most people.

If you really want to go crazy, try rainbow carrots. The various colors will impart different nutrient and flavor profiles. For example, purple carrots tend to impart a peppery flavor, making them interesting side dishes for chicken and beef. Lately, I’m really enjoying them in a variety of savory recipes, including today’s carrot soup.

Be sure to enjoy this soup with a protein of your choice to balance blood sugar (I really like it with chicken). It works well with a variety of proteins. I’ve been making large batches and freezing in single-serve containers so I always have some on hand.

Carrot Dill Soup Ingredients:

  • 1.5 pounds rainbow carrots, peeled and roughly chopped
  • 3 ribs celery, scrubbed and roughly chopped
  • 1 yellow onion, peeled and roughly chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, peeled and chopped
  • Handful of fresh dill, stems removed
  • 1 teaspoon unrefined salt (I like Himalayan)
  • 1/2 lemon, juiced
  • 4 cups chicken stock (homemade is best)
  • Ghee for cooking

Carrot Dill Soup Instructions:

  1. Heat 2 tablespoons ghee on medium heat in a soup pot and add garlic, onions, carrots, and celery.
  2. Turn heat down to low-medium, cover, and cook until all the veggies are soft and buttery (about 15 minutes).
  3. Pour in stock and cook for another 10 minutes or so until hot.
  4. Using an immersion blender, blend until smooth.
  5. Add more salt if necessary. Then add dill and fresh lemon juice and blend again.
  6. If you like it creamy and can tolerate the following: add 1 cup raw organic cream or full-fat coconut milk (reduce stock accordingly).

Enjoy! This Carrot Soup is good hot or cold.


2 thoughts on “Carrot Dill Soup”

  1. Sounds good! I’m wondering how you go about reheating your individual servings? Is it okay to use the microwave? Does the quick heating kill the nutrients? Also, what are your thoughts on using a pressure cooker to make stock?


    1. Hi Chrystel,
      I’m old school and use my stove top, as I don’t own a microwave, but if that’s your only option, it’s fine. And I recommend slow cookers. 🙂

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