Eating disorder recovery with Mindy Gorman-Plutzer

In honor of National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, I am so honored to share my very real and raw conversation about eating disorders with my friend, colleague, and eating disorder survivor Mindy Gorman-Plutzer.

In this episode, Mindy and I share our own experiences with disordered eating and how the path to healing is one that includes deep empathy and a holistic approach that looks at all aspects of a person’s health, including gut inflammation, hormonal dysregulation, and early childhood development.

As you’ll learn, eating disorders are about a disordered relationship to self, brought on by family dynamics, abuse, and genetically inherited biochemical imbalances.

Mindy brings 25 years of experience to her private practice as a Certified Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner and Eating Psychology Coach. Mindy’s life experience and training inspired her to create a framework that combines functional nutrition, positive psychology, and mind-body science, introducing a compassionate resolution to physical and emotional challenges resulting from chronic and complex health issues as they relate to eating disorders.

Not only is Mindy a health practitioner but she’s also the author of The Freedom Promise: Seven Steps To Stop Fearing What Food Will Do To You and Start Embracing What It Can Do For You.

If you’re currently struggling with disordered eating, please know you are not alone. You are not at fault and healing is always possible. And be sure to go back and listen to episode 20 with my personal physician, Dr. Judith Bowman, on the genetic and biochemical imbalances that cause eating disorders.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How biography and biology impact eating disorders
  • Mindy’s approach to disordered eating recovery
  • How eating disorders can have genetic, biochemical, and environmental causes
  • How abuse and trauma contribute to eating disorders

Learn more about Mindy Gorman-Plutzer:

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One Response

  1. Just listened to this podcast and it touched me in so many ways. Yes the relationship with ourselves is how we relate to the world. I don’t have an eating disorder but have ocd and trying to embark on my own inner journey of letting go and trusting. Thank you so much for this podcast. Will look forward to another one with Mindy.

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