Dr. Judith Bowman - Stress intolerance and pyrrole disorder

Today, I brought Dr. Judith Bowman back on the show to talk about a little-known stress intolerant disorder that your doctor has likely never even heard of. It’s called Pyrrole disorder or Pyroluria.

Pyrrole disorder is something I regularly test for in my clinic. It is typically seen in people of all ages and is often genetically inherited in Northern European people groups such as the Irish and Scandinavian populations.

Pyrrole disorder is connected to a plethora of symptoms and disorders such as extreme anger and rage, rapid mood swings, night owl tendencies, high anxiety, depression, morning nausea, alcoholism, and bipolar disorder.

In today’s episode, Dr. Bowman and I take a deep dive into what this disorder is and how it may be impacting your mental and physical health as well as myths that could be potentially harmful.

Dr. Judith Bowman co-founded Mensah Medical in 2008 with her colleague, Dr. Albert Mensah. Dr. Bowman combines traditional medicine with a biochemical approach to treating behavioral and cognitive disorders including autism spectrum disorder, depression, postpartum depression, and women’s health, anxiety, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other biochemical imbalances.

Dr. Bowman has treated over 30,000 patients using all-natural, non-pharmaceutical targeted nutrient therapy. She trains physicians in advanced nutrient therapy techniques and facilitates outreach clinics all over the United States and abroad.

It’s amazing to me how Pyrrole disorder and the nutrient deficiencies it creates are the root causes of so many symptoms and disorders. This is why I love how a bio-individual approach to healing can be so powerful.

I hope this episode leaves you empowered and educated on this stress-intolerant disorder and how focusing on root causes instead of symptoms is how true healing occurs.

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • How Pyrrole disorder can be a root cause of alcoholism and addiction
  • The connection between stress intolerance and Pyrrole disorder
  • The role genetics plays in Northern European people groups
  • Why zinc and B6 are important for optimal brain function
  • What the differences are between omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids
  • The disturbing myth that manganese is required to treat Pyrrole disorder

Learn more about Dr. Judith Bowman:


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3 Responses

  1. Thanks for another great episode, Sami, and for including the information about manganese. ????

  2. Thanks for sharing this.

    Considering that the body cannot use vitamin b6 directly as it needs zinc, b2 and magnesium to convert it to P5P. Should not Pyrolurics supplement also with vitamin b2, besides zinc, b6 and magnesium?

    Thanks in advance


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