Learn How a Functional Nutritionist Can Address Your Methylation Issues

Learn How a Functional Nutritionist Can Address Your Methylation Issues

Do you feel like your body and mind are “always on?” You wish you could escape from racing thoughts. You fidget in your chair and can’t seem to get a good night’s sleep. These symptoms could be due to overmethylation.

As a functional nutritionist, I’ve helped many people address key deficiencies associated with overmethylation. Specifically, we need to look at your folate and B6 levels. Once we correct these imbalances, you’ll notice a greater sense of calm and focus throughout the day. Life will slow down, and you’ll be able to enjoy relationships, work, and hobbies in a brand-new way.

At Eat for Life, I dive into the root causes of your health conditions. Other practitioners might overlook conditions like overmethylation, leaving you without answers or relief. Are you ready to transform your health? Let’s talk on a free consultation call.

What is Overmethylation?

Overmethylation refers to an excessive addition of methyl groups (CH3) to the DNA molecule, usually occurring at specific sites called CpG islands. These methyl groups can silence or suppress the activity of genes, leading to altered gene expression patterns. 

Overmethylation has been associated with various health conditions and diseases, including certain types of neurological disorders. It is a complex phenomenon with intricate implications for the regulation of gene function and the understanding of genetic and epigenetic factors in human health.

While the chemistry of overmethylation might be too abstract for most people, the symptoms are very familiar. You might recognize some of the following symptoms in yourself.

Discover how zinc deficiency can impact your health and learn about effective diagnosis and treatment options. Explore our comprehensive guide on Zinc Deficiency for more insights.

Overmethylation Symptoms

Overmethylation leads to excessive production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. When you have too many of these neurotransmitters, you’ll likely experience hyperexcitability in the brain. Overmethylation can lead to:

  • High anxiety
  • Rumination
  • Heavy body hair
  • Musical and artistic abilities
  • Inability to sit still
  • Food and chemical sensitivities
  • Paranoia
  • Sleeping problems 

Overmethylators do not respond well to serotonin-enhancing substances such as anxiety medication, anxiety medication, St. John’s Wort, and SAMe, which can make them suicidal. Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are often seen in overmethylated individuals.

If you have sought care for the symptoms above or if you’ve had negative reactions to common mood stabilizers, then I encourage you to schedule a free consultation with me. I can help you get to the bottom of your symptoms, and overmethylation might be to blame.

Let’s see if you might be impacted by this. Take my free, five-minute life assessment to find out if this applies to you.

Who Can be Overmethylated?

Due to the way overmethylation impacts the brain, overmethylated Individuals often exhibit a clear pattern of behaviors. For example, overmethylated people can have high empathy for others, food and chemical sensitivities, and an adverse reaction to antidepressant medications.

Verbosity is also a hallmark of this condition. While being talkative is not a negative trait at all, it can provide clues to underlying health conditions. 

It’s also important to note that methylation issues are developed in utero. Unlike diabetes, heart disease, or joint pain, methylation issues aren’t the result of lifestyle or environmental factors. In short, many people are unaware overmethlyation is the cause of their health challenges.

Functional Nutrition Offers an Effective Path Forward

Overmethylators often lack folate and vitamin B6 due to genetic factors. Correcting this imbalance through an overmethylation diet, nutrient therapy, and lifestyle changes can safely restore health. Addressing these deficiencies is key to achieving optimal well-being.

When I work with clients, I create personalized wellness plans that target your unique biology. And while overmethylation might be your primary concern, I’ll also make sure you’re not lacking other key vitamins and nutrients. 

Here are some ways we might boost your folate and B6 levels:

  • Dietary Sources
    A great way to naturally increase your folate and B6 levels is through your diet. Folate-rich foods include leafy green vegetables, broccoli, and asparagus, as well as beans and lentils. For vitamin B6, foods like poultry, fish, bananas, potatoes, and nuts are excellent sources. Incorporating these foods into your daily meals can help support your overmethylation chemistry.
  • Supplements
    Did you know that diet alone doesn’t provide sufficient folate and B6? Not only have we experienced a significant decline in our food supply over the past several years, but the brain requires therapeutic levels of nutrients to balance brain chemistry. This is why supplementation is important. However, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplementation regimen to determine the appropriate dosage and form, and to ensure it’s safe for your specific biochemistry.
  • Cooking Methods
    Be mindful of how you prepare your food. Some cooking methods can cause significant nutrient losses. Steaming or stir-frying vegetables can help retain more folate and vitamin B6 compared to boiling, which may lead to nutrient leaching into cooking water.
  • Health Conditions
    We will thoroughly examine your gut health and address nutrient imbalances that may be affected by conditions like celiac disease or gastrointestinal disorders. By focusing on overmethylation treatment, we can improve your overall well-being.
  • Lifestyle Factors
    Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can deplete your body’s stores of folate and vitamin B6. Reducing or quitting these habits can contribute to maintaining adequate levels of these vitamins.

Learn more about another common imbalance by visiting our page on Copper Toxicity.

Get Started with Functional Nutrition for Overmethylation

When you work with me, you’ll receive truly personalized care. Your symptoms might line up with overmethylation, but we won’t know what’s causing your symptoms until we test and discuss your health history.

I promise you that we won’t jump to conclusions without looking at all possibilities. To get started, schedule a free discovery call. In the meantime, take my free, five-minute life assessment to find out if methylation issues could be at play. I look forward to helping you live your most vibrant life.

The High Folate Diet Cookbook

Get My High Folate Cookbook

A Healing Guide for Overmethylation

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“Sami’s guidance is cutting edge. She offers a unique perspective that is evidence-based and through proper testing helps to identify and uncovers any core imbalances within the body that are creating havoc. For me, deeper restoration and healing has finally come after 25 years of searching and trying a plethora of medications and dietary protocols. Before finding Sami I was uncertain if I could live another day. Sami is incredibly wise, knowledgeable, and empathetic; drawing from her large reservoir of training as well as her own personal experience. Sami’s ability to consult with Dr. Albert Mensah, a brilliant Physician in this field, is an added comfort and bonus. The healing process is not easy, but if you are willing to trust Sami’s guidance, and persevere with the dietary changes and daily nutrients, I feel confident that you can know greater health and freedom that is lasting.”


Schedule a  Free  One-on-One Consultation

If you’re ready to start your healing journey, schedule your free one-on-one consultation to discuss your current mental and/or physical health challenges, history, and desired health goals. Take the first step on your healing journey today.

Functional Nutrition from Eat for Life