Zucchini Chicken Soup

My Zucchini Chicken Soup is the perfect addition when embarking on a healing journey, I find simple is best. This does not mean without taste. In fact, I have found the simplest of dishes to be the most flavorful and beneficial at the same time.

Zucchini Chicken Soup Ingredients:

  • 2 large zucchini, scrubbed and chopped
  • 2 shallots or 1/2 sweet onion, diced
  • 4 cups free-range, organic, chicken stock
  • 1 teaspoon unrefined salt
  • 2 sprigs fresh thyme, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup organic coconut milk (if intolerant to coconut milk, use homemade rice milk)
  • 3 organic chicken breasts, baked and cubed
  • Ghee for cooking

Zucchini Chicken Soup Instructions:

  1. Melt 2 tablespoons ghee in a large pot and sauté zucchini and shallot or onion until soft, about 12 minutes.
  2. Pour in broth and bring to a boil, then cover, add thyme, and simmer for 30 minutes.
  3. Using a hand-held immersion blender, purée the soup until silky smooth.
  4. Stir in the coconut or rice milk and bring to a simmer.
  5. Add salt. Taste and adjust seasoning (you may require a bit more salt).
  6. Add cubed chicken breasts, stir and enjoy!

As always, let me know how this recipe turns out for you in the comments below.

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5 Responses

  1. HI Samantha,
    My son is 15 and under the care of Mensah Medical for ADHD for 13 months now. His recent tests show pyrolle (high at 26 and much higher than first tests!) , 35% free copper radicals, yeast (arabinose at 41). 1st tests showed high copper to zinc, but that ratio improved. After 2 rounds with nystatin, we watch him improve dramatically and when the medication is done he quickly returns to the old ways, maybe even worse. We lean toward the candida diet, but are not pure as he is a teen and only so interested in diet changes. He is always angry with us, impulsive, hyper and incredibly inattentive, all with anxiety (shows as anger and intensity) when there is any minor stress (homework, chores etc). Also sleepy and unmotivated. Without launching into full candida diet, is there any hope to control the yeast and heal his leaky gut? How effective are naturals like caprylic acid and oregano, garlic etc. If effective, what brands are good in Canada?

  2. Hi Samantha,

    So are foods like rice and potatoes allowed to be eaten? I am an overmethylator so i try and eat as many leafy greens as i can since it contains high amounts of folates!

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Brandon,
      This is difficult to answer without a proper assessment. You may not respond well to nightshades without realizing it, and there could be inflammatory responses depending on the type of rice you eat.

  3. Hi Samantha. In the ingredient list for this Zucchini Chicken Soup recipe, there’s a link for Homemade Rice Milk. But, I can’t seem to find that recipe on the Recipes page. Can you please help? Thank you.

    1. Hi Jill! Thanks for letting us know. We corrected the issue so please try again.

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