Banana Cinnamon Ice Cream

My Banana Cinnamon Ice Cream is perfect for these hot days! It’s been over 100 degrees here in central California. You’d think by now I would be used to it, but growing up in Portland, Oregon, I suppose the heat will never be my normal.

I don’t know about you, but when it’s hot out I start getting visions in my head about ice cream. But every time I browse the ice cream aisle at Whole Foods, excitedly looking for new and healthier alternatives, I’m usually disappointed.

If you have an ice cream maker you can always concoct delicious dairy-free alternatives, but I wanted something easier that you can enjoy straight away. Bananas are a wonderful frozen dessert alternative, and pairing them with good fats provides more favorable effects on blood sugar. They are also appropriate for all biotypes.

The night before peel and slice ripe bananas and arrange on a parchment-lined cookie sheet, then transfer to your freezer. I usually buy one hand of organic bananas at a time (there are generally five to six bananas to a hand) and let them ripen first. After an 8-hour freeze, transfer to a freezer-safe container for longer-term storage.

This step is important, so don’t skip it. And you’ll need a high-speed blender or food processor.

Banana Cinnamon Ice Cream Ingredients:

  • 1 cup frozen bananas
  • 1/3 cup milk of choice: rice, coconut, tiger nut, or if tolerated, raw goat milk or cream
  • 1 teaspoon MCT or melted coconut oil
  • Pinch each: cinnamon, cardamom, and ground vanilla beans
  • 5 drops liquid vanilla stevia (or more to desired sweetness, optional)

Add bananas to a high-speed blender or food processor. Then add milk of choice and other ingredients. If using a high-speed blender, be sure to insert the tamper before switching it on.

Blend until smooth, transfer to a bowl and enjoy!

Do you have a favorite healthy dessert recipe you’d like to share with our community? I’d love to know what it is in the comments below!

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4 Responses

  1. I am able to eat 1 Straus cream iced cube every day. If I eat 2 my sinus issues flare up. In case you’d like to share my story with your comment readers it was published recently in my local newspaper. Thank-you for all you do to help!

  2. I love your blog & recipes! You can eliminate the millk! Frozen, then processed bananas taste like ice cream with milk. I sometimes add fruit and my kids add cocoa powder to their treats. Bananas are so sweet that I have never needed to add a sweetener. I look forward to trying cinnamon and ground vanilla bean!

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