Functional Nutrition for
Depression and Anxiety

Learn How a Functional Nutritionist Can Help Heal Your Depression and Anxiety

When most people hear the word “depression,” it is often correlated with a heavy, continually sad, and shameful label. If an individual is receiving help, it is usually treated by a doctor with antidepressant medications. 

Many times, antidepressants do more harm than good. Think of the last drug commercial you heard. Oftentimes, the disclaimers are lengthy and discuss how taking the medication could actually make symptoms worse. The black box suicide warning required on these medications is a good example.

But if antidepressants haven’t worked for you or if you want to reduce your reliance on antidepressants, then it’s time to try functional nutrition.

Depression is actually a symptom of an underlying imbalance. It’s my job to uncover your unique imbalances and provide a nutritional roadmap toward health. Let’s get started!

Breakdown of Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are intricate mental health conditions marked by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, worry, unease, and a diminished interest or pleasure in once-enjoyed activities. These conditions extend beyond regular mood fluctuations and can significantly impact daily functioning. 

Individuals dealing with depression and anxiety often exhibit changes in sleep patterns, appetite, and energy levels. It’s crucial to emphasize that these mental health challenges are not transient bouts of “the blues” or panic but rather prolonged and pervasive states of emotional distress. 

Surprisingly, both depression and anxiety can manifest physically, contributing to issues like chronic pain and digestive disturbances. These conditions affect individuals from diverse backgrounds, and seeking professional help is vital for effective management and recovery. Understanding the multifaceted nature of depression and anxiety is essential for dismantling stigmas surrounding mental health, fostering empathy, and providing compassionate support to those navigating these challenges.

Symptoms of Depression

Depression manifests through a spectrum of symptoms that extend beyond the stereotypical image of persistent sadness. Recognizing the varied facets of this mental health condition is crucial for early detection and effective intervention.

Some common symptoms of depression include:

  • Loss of Interest or Pleasure:
    Diminished interest in activities once enjoyed.

  • Changes in Sleep Patterns:
    Insomnia or increased need for sleep.

  • Fatigue and Low Energy:
    A pervasive sense of tiredness and lack of motivation.

  • Appetite Changes:
    Significant weight loss or gain due to changes in eating habits.

  • Difficulty Concentrating:
    Impaired focus, decision-making, and memory.

  • Feelings of Guilt or Worthlessness:
    A distorted self-perception and self-critical thoughts.

  • Physical Ailments:
    Chronic pain, headaches, and digestive issues.

Not often addressed in the care of a depressed patient are nutrient deficiencies and overloads, such as too much copper or too little zinc. Even a fancy word called “methylation” can cause significant imbalances. Last but not least, little “shamers” called pyrroles that play an integral role as well. By the way, I’ve written five books on these little-known underlying causes located here. Inside you will find some of the best foods for depression

These imbalances and overloads, which nutrient therapy can fix, deplete your brain by lowering all the good stuff, and altering your neurotransmitters and hormones’ natural abilities.

Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety is a complex mental health condition characterized by persistent feelings of apprehension, unease, and a heightened sense of worry. It extends beyond normal fluctuations in stress levels and can significantly impact daily functioning. 

  • Persistent Worry:
    Continuous and excessive concern about various aspects of life.

  • Restlessness:
    A sense of being on edge or an inability to relax.

  • Difficulty Concentrating:
    Impaired focus, racing thoughts, and trouble making decisions.

  • Physical Symptoms:
    Muscle tension, headaches, and fatigue.

  • Changes in Sleep Patterns:
    Insomnia or disrupted sleep.

  • Irritability:
    Increased sensitivity to stimuli and heightened irritability.

  • Avoidance Behavior:
    Steering clear of situations that trigger anxiety.

It’s crucial to recognize that anxiety is not merely occasional stress but rather a prolonged and pervasive state of heightened unease. Seeking professional help is essential for effective management and recovery. Understanding the diverse symptoms of anxiety is key to promoting awareness, breaking down stigmas surrounding mental health, and providing empathetic support for those grappling with this condition.

We all experience anxiety from time to time. This is normal! All humans will find themselves in situations that remind us that we do not have superpowers. I do wish I was Wonder Woman though!

However, anxiety can be so extreme and consistent that for many, it falls in the category of “disorder.” When this kind of state becomes the new “normal” for an individual, we know there is a significant problem often with a nutritional imbalance causing this anxiety. 

Causes of Anxiety and Depression

I firmly believe in the transformative power of food as medicine. Functional nutrition serves as a cornerstone in addressing the root causes of anxiety and depression. By conducting thorough assessments, I tailor personalized nutritional plans to address individual biochemical imbalances, deficiencies, and sensitivities. 

Incorporating nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory foods can positively influence neurotransmitter production and regulate mood-stabilizing hormones. Moreover, supporting gut health through targeted dietary interventions plays a pivotal role, as the gut-brain axis significantly influences mental well-being. 

My approach involves identifying and mitigating potential triggers, such as food allergens and inflammatory substances, to create a healing environment within the body. By harnessing the synergistic effects of functional nutrition, I aim to empower individuals to optimize their mental health, fostering a holistic and sustainable path towards emotional well-being.

Let’s see what’s fueling your depression and anxiety. It might be related to an underlying imbalance. I look forward to meeting you on a free consultation.

Depression & Anxiety Articles

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How Vitamins Help With Depression and Anxiety

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How Gut Inflammation Causes Anxiety
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Depression & Anxiety Podcast Episodes

EP 78: How to Overcome Anxiety Through Nutrition—A Primer on Improving Mental Health

EP 78: How to Overcome Anxiety Through Nutrition—A Primer on Improving Mental Health

Hello everyone, and happy new year! After taking some time off to move my offices, I am officially back. I want to ex...
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EP 63: The Hidden Harms of Antidepressants with Robert Whitaker

EP 63: The Hidden Harms of Antidepressants with Robert Whitaker

On December 29, 1987 Prozac was approved by the FDA. I was 12 years old at the time and one of the first children to ...
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EP 42: My Personal Healing Journey

EP 42: My Personal Healing Journey

2021 was quite the year, but we made it to 2022! To kick off the new year, my producer, Sean McMullin is flipping ...
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“I know 5 stars is the highest rating but it just doesn’t seem like enough for Sami! Truly! She has helped me through a very hard season of life and I am forever grateful. When I started working with Sami I was struggling with postpartum depression and feeling like I was physically and mentally on a downward spiral that I desperately wanted out of but nothing I was doing was helping (and I was doing A LOT and trying SO hard in regards to my health, trying to eat right and take great supplements).

I tried every elimination diet and spent hundreds of dollars on supplements that I thought would help me feel better. Sami was very compassionate and gentle in our initial conversation and after doing some testing she was able to determine some very severe imbalances in my chemistry and identified my nutrient deficiencies. Sami made me a plan to follow and made it so easy to know what to eat and told me exactly what supplements I should be taking. Having her to guide me took so much stress off of me and that alone was incredibly helpful.

I am feeling SO SO much better and I could absolutely not have gotten to where I am today without Sami. She is a wealth of knowledge and has a deep understanding of how a persons individual chemistry affects their health and how to correct these imbalances. She has brought amazing clarity to an area of my life that has felt impossible to ‘get to the bottom of’. I am on an upward spiral now and feel like I am on a totally different path because of the work I have done and will continue to do with Sami. Words cannot accurately express my gratitude and I very highly recommend her.”


Schedule a Free One-on-One Consultation

If you’re ready to start your healing journey, schedule your free one-on-one consultation to discuss your current mental and/or physical health challenges, history, and desired health goals. Take the first step on your healing journey today.

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