texas slim quote

Over the last several years, I’ve been shocked to learn how laws here in the United States have been manipulated to create false commodities designed to increase higher yields and higher profits for global corporations of the world.

The Industrial Food Complex wants you to believe that we can live on genetically modified foods (GMOs), lab-cultured meat and milk, and even insects to be healthy.

Here in the United States, there are about 20 different cows in one pound of USDA beef, but they aren’t required to share that information with you. And of those 20 different cows, they aren’t even from American beef because the US imports 20 billion pounds of beef per year from other countries, mostly South America and Australia.

So what happens with this kind of system?

Well, corners are cut, the food supply gets tainted, people get sick, and a nutrient-dense whole food becomes demonized simply because of four bad apples that have a monopoly on beef.

From Beyond Burger to cricket flour pancakes and now cell-cultured meat and milk, we are told these products will save the planet. But the opposite is actually true. Our food supply has been hijacked, and we are paying the price for this deception in the form of nutritional starvation.

So today, I’m talking with Texas Slim, a seventh-generation Texan who took a deep dive into global food intelligence several years ago after embedding himself into a harvest company to increase his knowledge of the erosion of soil fertility and pure animal protein. Slim discovered while on harvest not only the decay of nutrition within our food system but the direct impact it has had on our society.

As he dove deeper into the Industrial Food Complex, he exposed a handful of multinational companies who had not only hijacked our taste buds but starved us of pure animal protein while rendering us metabolically bankrupt, both physically and mentally.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • The Industrial Food Complex
  • How laws in the United States have been manipulated to create false commodities
  • The impact of seed oils on our health and wellness
  • Can we thrive and survive on lab-cultured meat, milk, and insects?
  • Do food deserts and food poverty exist in the United States?
  • The importance of the Heritage Woman and embracing old ways in today’s world

Listen to the podcast here:

Within the below transcript, the bolded text is Samantha Gilbert, and the regular text is Texas Slim.


Exposing the Industrial Food Complex

Welcome to the show, Slim. I’m so grateful to have you today.

Hello, Sam. Thank you for having me. I’ve been looking forward to this.

Thank you. I’m just so blessed to have you. This is going to be an amazing conversation. In Episode 51, I had the producer of Sacred Cow on to talk about the ridiculous notion that meat is bad for us. We also talked about how farmers are taken advantage of by Big Ag, this global push toward eating bugs and cell-cultured meat and milk, and how this has harmed our children, soil, and food supply.

What I’ve noticed is that most people are completely unaware of how badly farmers are treated and where their food actually comes from. So I’m really excited to speak with you, Slim, because you’re on the front lines and have experienced firsthand this shift that started many years ago.

And I feel it is now moving ahead in so many different ways, which I know we’ll get into, but first, I’m really curious, what is your background? And what was the turning point that led you to expose the Industrial Food Complex for what it is?

I’ll not take too much time talking about myself. I grew up in small-town Texas, seven generations of Texan agricultural ranching, and that’s all we knew, and that’s what we are in Texas. My grandfather’s land was about 100 miles away from the epicenter of the Dust Bowl.

My grandfather survived two world wars, the dustbowl, the Great Depression, gold compensation, and the manipulation of the agricultural department in the United States. He saw the complete transformation. I was front and center of all these stories, and you know what happened to our family as far as his legacy, where it led in what his outcome was, and it wasn’t pretty.  

It’s been a generational thing that has progressively worsened for the American farmer, rancher, and producer. By saying that, it’s in my blood. I grew up in a town of about 7,000 people, on dirt roads, pulling cotton, swimming in the bar ditches, and around animals. I know a lot about what that type of lifestyle is. We grew up with a freezer full of beef and a freezer full of corn from the farm. We had our vegetables and everything we needed and only used the supermarket a little. I can understand how our heritage and where it came from. As I got older, I bugged out of a small town in Texas and went to Austin when I was 19. I never went to university. I couldn’t afford it as a poor white boy from Texas. I couldn’t get money, loans, or anything like that. I went to college myself, and I’d attend the University of Texas and sit in classes. I fell into technology. I figured out that at the universities when I was coming up, I knew kids in the streets; these cyberpunks knew more about technology than the universities did. That was the early 90s. Austin was growing things were happening. I self-taught technology and fell into startups and software design companies. In the long run, I became a research analyst. I had a pretty cool skill set where I could disseminate information differently. I wasn’t taught to search the internet with a Google browser. 

I’ve been around the world a couple of times. I grew up rough and tumble, I’ve had a lot of health scares, and I’ve broken over 20 bones in my body, including a broken neck and 14 pieces of metal. I’ve always been healthy and attribute that to the core belief system of our family, ancestors, and nutrition. I had an internal injury and was pretty busted up a few years ago. I had to look at food and said, “Well, I’m gonna just kind of dive back in and look at Grandma, how she used to prepare meals.” 

How we’re consuming, our consumption model has been destroyed in such a big way that people are not aware of it. What I did was I started feeding the homeless. Feeding up to 250 homeless people per day, I worked with communities and looked at the food programs within the public school systems, and worked through my church. In West Texas, I embedded myself in a harvest company while doing tons of research, and I developed the hashtag #FoodIntelligence, and I said, we’re going to redefine this. It’s daunting to look at it. You have to get to the source of the seed of where we came from and the source of the seed of the issue, and that’s what I started writing about. I wrote this piece called the Harvest of Deception. It breaks down the macro global food industrial complex in a way that I had not seen done before. 

Food Intelligence: Have laws been created in the United States to manipulate the food supply and create false commodities?
Food Intelligence: Laws have been created in the United States to manipulate the food supply and create false commodities.

Have laws been created in the United States to manipulate the food supply and create false commodities?

It’s an excellent article that’s on your substack. We’ll get into The Beef Initiative, but can you talk more about the manipulation of our laws and how that’s poisoned the food supply and created these false commodities? There’s a lot of manipulation going on that people are unaware of.

If people are paying attention and want to take notes, look at companies like Procter and Gamble at the turn of the century. Procter and Gamble was the biggest candle seller in the world, making candles out of cottonseed. In the 1900s, we started burning fewer candles because of electricity. What did Procter and Gamble do with the cottonseed? They turned it into this little company called Crisco. Instead of burning our candles, we started eating our candles. Then they began marketing to the heritage woman of the United States, saying, instead of using that greasy stuff, you can use vegetable oil, even back in the 1900s. They were learning how to market to the American people and farming communities. Saying, “You could be international, high class, or decadent.” This marketing ploy started happening even back in the 1900s. 

Let’s fast forward to the 1950s. Ancel Key and President Dwight D. Eisenhower both had massive heart attacks. They started looking and saying, “Oh, why did our warrior and chief have a heart attack?” Everybody got scared. And began asking, “What’s going on here?” Ancel Keys did a study, and it’s a very, very lopsided study. His study only included seven countries, and it wasn’t scientific or foolproof. The war on cholesterol started happening, and Ancel Keys got a lot of press, creating the cholesterol lie in the 50s, and it built up more and more. As the cholesterol lie built up, more industrial technology was brought into our food systems. 

Following World War II, we introduced herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers; we weren’t building bombs. We were making fertilizer. The agricultural world also changed, and during that transformation (the mid-50s into the 1970s), all of this was taking shape. Eric Butz of the Agricultural Department under the Nixon administration said we’re going to go big, or you’re going to go home. What he meant was that we were going to start mono-cropping. Mono-cropping means growing one crop, you’re going to go fence to fence, and we’re going to feed the world. 

At that same time, we went off the gold standard and began mono-cropping mass production of our grains in the United States. Our dollars debased, and our food will now debase with that dollar, and we must implement and inject these new fake commodities into our food systems. That’s when we started getting seed oils and soy. 

I’m Generation X. I remember when they introduced soy burgers in the public school systems. By looking at that, we see the cholesterol lie, the fat-free lie, and the mass production of seed oils that are toxic to people, and it all coalesced. 

In the 70s, we picked up steam in changing the food system in the United States. It was a global industrial food shift.  We’re going through the same global industrial food shift at this time with the introduction of new fake commodities and fake protein commodities into the food systems. They’re using a lot of different propaganda to back it. It’s daunting, but you have to start from the source of the seed of the deception to understand basically what the source of the seed of the solution is.

Amen to that. I appreciate you walking us through that, Slim. As you were speaking, I remember growing up using Crisco. 

McDonald’s used to use tallows when making french fries, and suddenly tallows are demonized. We know tallow is an amazing fat with lots of nutrients, but suddenly, tallow was out, and animal fats are bad for you. 

I still get asked to this day. It’s shocking to me what we know about Ancel Keys and his work with cholesterol. I’m still asked, “Isn’t this going to impact my cholesterol? You are recommending red meat?” It makes me sad. First, it’s my job to educate as a practitioner, just like you’re educating us with your expertise and calling. It’s heartbreaking to know that the lie is still a part of our global conscience.

The Impact of Seed Oils On Our Health

Cognitive dissonance is real, and we have to battle it within our education with our awareness and tolerance. If you look at many of the studies that have been done, you always follow the money. Who created this nutrient dietician? We only had a few dietitians before 1971. When you suddenly look at the cholesterol lie, people have problems with cholesterol because they’re consuming ungodly amounts of high fructose corn syrup and seed oils. If you pack in many other products going through your arteries, you’ll have cholesterol problems, not because of animal fat, but because you’ve already been ingesting these seed oils your whole life. 

Whenever you can go out there and talk to somebody and say, “Do you know what rapeseed is?” They have no idea what rapeseed is, but they know what canola is. They consume canola oil every day. The FDA outlawed Canola in 1956 for human consumption, and nobody knows this, or they don’t pay attention to it. They had to take something that was a toxic weed and remove the toxicity, so you could then consume it. People’s perceptions and perspectives are really off base, and it’s not their fault that from the academia in the American university systems. Looking back to the turn of the century, how many true holistic plants and medicines were taken from the public’s view? It was done, we started going into the industrial food complex on petrochemicals, and everything else followed.

Well said! When you were talking about canola oil, I was thinking about Whole Foods. Whole Foods loves its canola oil; it is in everything. People think of Whole Foods; of course, Amazon owns them now. Traditionally Whole Foods, as the grocery store, is considered this amazing healthy store where you can get a wide variety of sourced animal proteins and vegetables that are organic. I used to go to the Austin Whole Foods – flagship corporate office. I used to go there all the time when I lived in Austin. I loved going into the store. It was a beautiful store. I always enjoyed shopping there, but I started noticing this shift. I remember they had the whole marketing thing during Christmas, “It was Soy to the World,” And I thought, “Oh my, where are they going with this?” Well, that created a lot of backlashes. We know how toxic soy is. Then they shifted to canola oil. Canola oil is in all of their prepared foods and their olive bar. Almost all of it is canola oil.

Well, I’ll tell you another fascinating story about canola. Okay. It’s hilarious because you’re right, Whole Foods. Whole Paycheck! Whole Foods was originally on Ninth Lamar as a tiny little grocery store, but they hacked their way into an industry and did it well. But then, of course, it got global; it got industrial. I don’t shop at Whole Foods or supermarkets. 

Looking at rapeseed and true manipulation, propaganda, and where that propaganda comes from. Whenever I was on that harvest company up in North Dakota at the time, we were in the middle of nowhere in North Dakota with fields and fields of this beautiful yellow flower. It’s amazing, 1000s of acres. What is it? It is rapeseed. Tourist vans are pulled over and taking photographs of rapeseed, similar to people that follow the cherry blossoms worldwide. Well, now they’re following rapeseed around the world and creating tourist packages. 

So propaganda is real. It takes time to dive through the propaganda and the endless ways of deception. You go against that with the general public because even the general public with good intentions trying their butts off to be very informed are being manipulated. You don’t have to look any further than the health of a nation to see where the deception is coming from. If people need to realize that our consumption model within the last 50 years is a small speck of time in human history, this has never been accomplished before in how we’ve destroyed our health in this nation.

Food Intelligence: The Impact of Seed Oils and Our Health
Food Intelligence: In 1956, the FDA outlawed Canola oil for human consumption.

Waking Up to the Seed of Deception

I’m enjoying this conversation. I love your terminology, the seed of deception. I’m curious about the heritage woman and want to weave that in as well. Let’s fast forward to the shift that started around 2017-2018 of no longer needing animal protein. I want to dive into The Beef Initiative. What led you to create The Beef Initiative, and what was your turning point in that regard?

I’ve been doing this for three years. I liquidated my life and said I would commit to saving children’s lives. Once I say I want to do something, I will do it. I didn’t start off with the Beef Initiative. It started with me doing the legwork, and I embedded myself in a harvest company. I didn’t know what the hell I was doing, but I was researching the global grain industry. 

Anytime I’m confronted with an issue or a problem, I always refer to my grandfather and core belief systems – you have to create a solution. That’s how I live my life. Looking back at my grandfather, and being able to paint a legacy for him and how he restored the family, the land, and the animals. 

As I said, I grew up with a freezer full of beef. At five years old, I cooked hamburgers independently because the meat was there. I guarantee I’m a pretty tough guy, pretty rough and tumble, and pretty damn healthy. I don’t have to worry about all these fears that people are living with and all these dietary issues I’ve never had because I’ve always just eaten a lot of animal protein.

I took my studies into the deception of cholesterol and animal meat. Let’s look at the global beef industry. People don’t realize there’s going to be more and more cattle raised, produced, harvested, and consumed in this world, and it’s not going to be the Western countries. It’s not going to be the United States of America, what they’re doing is they’re eliminating animal protein from our consumption models, as Asia, and especially China, basically consume more red meat than they ever have in the history of time. 

They will turn animal protein into caviar for the United States of America. China is now taking control of the global beef industry in certain ways that people don’t understand. By knowing this, if you look at solutions, the best thing you can do in your life right now, especially from a health perspective, from a heritage perspective, for your children and our community, is to have a freezer full of beef. Not beef from big global packers that control our beef industry in the United States of America; instead, you need to go and shake our rancher’s hand and develop a relationship with somebody local in your community. Therefore, you can have food security, you can have the best animal protein, and you can create a relationship with somebody you will know for the rest of your life. In doing this, you’re building out your community similar to how the Beef Initiative was spawned on a dirt road in small-town Texas.

The Importance of Knowing Your Local Rancher and Farmer

I love what you’ve created. On The Beef Initiative website, you can search and find a local farmer to work with.

I scraped the internet several times with my skill set, looking for grass-fed, organic, and all that. One of my arms of research is the labeling industry and how we label USDA, FDA, and all our products. That’s a rabbit hole within itself. I discovered that the deception within the organic and grass-fed is just as real as anything else. 

Instead of scraping the internet, I will say who the Beef Initiative is, and I will welcome and encourage producers to come into the Beef Initiative so people can find them. 

The Beef Initiative started with one handshake that led to another handshake that led to another handshake. 

At this time, in our producer’s section, about 80 producers in the United States who have come willingly on their own into the Beef Initiative because they want a new consumer demand that points to them. In that way, they can be a rancher, and they don’t have to do the marketing and advertising. And once again, that’s another story. But if they can’t find a local producer, we’ve established a relationship with Cole Bolton of K&C Cattle, south of Austin. We’ve created a vertical integration into our food supply -from the soil to the grass to the cow, the producer to the processing center, and the supply chain to your fork. We now control the Beef Initiative; you don’t have to go anywhere else. It’s a peer-to-peer transactional; you can come to the Beef Initiative. You can either subscribe for a monthly beef box and get your beef box delivered to your doorstep just like Whole Foods does or Butcher Box.

It’s the best beef in the world, and we stand by it. You can either find a local producer or buy through the Beef Initiative, and that’s what people are finding out.

Food Intelligence: Here in the United States, there are about 20 different cows in one pound of USDA beef.

Pushing Back on Lab-Cultured Meats, Milk, and Insects

When you do that, you help create community, and you’re pushing back against this political push toward eating bugs and cultured meat, lab meat, and milk, which is utterly horrifying to me.

Everybody says, “I’m not going to eat that fake meat steak, 3D printed meat, or stem cell meat”. Well, yes, you are; you’re just not going to know about it. 

See, that’s the distraction. What people need to understand is what they are doing now is what they have done with seed oils and high fructose corn syrup. They’re basically injecting a new fake commodity into your food. They will shove it into Jimmy’s pizza pockets and chicken tenders, and the parents will feed their kids these fake protein commodities. They can do that because they think it tastes good, and that’s what people focus on. 

Instead of all this propaganda and all these distractions with the fear porn that everybody can’t get enough of on TV, we need to focus on the source of their intentions.  They intend to insert a fake commodity into the food supply. A global industrial food shift is going on right now,  and it has been planned for a long time. 2017 and 2018 were when they got their marching orders. 

You’ve had four major global consolidations of global food corporations; the last one was in 2017 and 2018. At that same time, you had consolidations of the chemical and grain companies of the world. So within the last four years, while everybody’s been distracted with COVID, with Trump and all that political stuff, they’ve been basically engineering a new food system, and people aren’t prepared for it.

I’m glad you shared that, and climate change is a big part of everything – it’s all interwoven.

That’s part of the propaganda, for sure.

People know my story, and I’m always upfront and honest. Many years ago, this would have been 2007. I’m going to admit I got in with a crowd of people that were very hardcore vegan, and I was living in Texas, at first in Dallas, and then I moved to Austin. At that time, a vast community of raw vegan individuals pushed that lifestyle. At first, I thought – “Oh, this is great. I lost all this weight.” All I cared about was being a size two, but my health and my brain, cognitive capacities, and neurotransmitters fell apart. Everything’s connected.  My hormones completely collapsed and fell apart, and I thought, “Oh, well, I’m really in trouble, and I need to rethink this strategy.” I love your quote: “This is not a vegan versus vegetarian versus carnivore. This is about food intelligence and making good choices regarding food consumption” You mentioned food intelligence a bit ago. Can you tell us a bit more about what that means?

I was up on harvest. And I was like, how do you attack food intelligence? It’s daunting. Like I said before, where do you start? You start with the source of the seed. Where do we truly come from? People as a species through evolution, and where did we come from? 

We came from eating animal protein, and everything else follows after that. I don’t care what anybody says. You came from animal protein. We discovered fire; we learned how to cook animal protein, our stomachs got smaller, and our brains got bigger. Our brains got bigger because of animal protein; a lot of our brain is made up of cholesterol. The best thing you can do for your cognitive ability and critical thinking from birth is to have animal protein delivered to your brain. 

That’s it. It’s as simple as that. 

If you choose or you cannot consume animal protein, then you need to know precisely where that protein is coming from, basically. It’s not something that has been compromised or manipulated throughout the years. 

There are a lot of good intentions out there. I’m not telling people to go out there being a carnivore. I am from Texas, and I eat beef! I’m proud of that, and I will stand by that until I die. If somebody is a vegan, so be it, but be a good vegan and ensure you’re not doing it because it’s idealistic. I was in Austin for several decades; many of my friends were vegans. Some were very first base principles, while others were idealistic about animal cruelty.

Regarding the reasoning for being vegan, that’s fine; that’s your belief system, so go with it. But don’t manipulate and do not propagandize animal protein because it makes you look better. Do it because you have facts that are proven from the source of the seed up. 

Food Intelligence: Don’t buy into the propaganda that says “insects are a valuable prebiotic fiber with antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties.”

Most of our nutrients and minerals come from the soil. That’s what people have forgotten, and they’re trying to bring food science into our terminology and our thinking.  Food and science have no reason to be in the same damn sentence. Food is biology, and food is not science. For people who think food and science go together, take a pause, and study soil for one month. I encourage you; it’s a challenge. Once you do that, you’re going to think differently. 

Today, you would need to consume six pounds of spinach to match a pound of spinach from 20 years ago, which means our soil is dead in this nation. You talk to many experts from the herbicides, pesticides, mono-cropping, and everything we’ve done in these five decades. Our soil has been depleted of those nutrients and minerals. I don’t care what you grow in it; the genetically modified seed which we consume in the United States of America is now basically a roadmap to health destruction. If you’re going to be a vegan, grow your vegetables in soil, you created that you have control over. You have to get down to the source of the seed of where we came from and where we are now, and the find the solution.

Does Our Food Contain Any Nutritional Value?

I’m so glad you brought up soil health; even organic obviously has so many issues with it. When I am educating someone I’m working with, I always talk about glyphosate and how it’s used in every aspect of production to desiccate grains. All of this oat milk young kids consume is sugar water with many chemicals. 

I’m sorry if I’m offending anyone by saying that, but I must be honest that these foods have no nutritional value. I’m always so concerned when working with little ones as they’re being fed these types of foods because we’re being told that these are healthy, and we need to move to this model to be healthy. Yet, autoimmunity is through the roof, along with autism and mental health challenges in our children. 

I want to add to what you said. Food scientists are paid a lot of money to create foods that taste good that trigger the brain in a certain way. I loved that you said food and science; they don’t belong in the same sentence. And that’s why. Again, it’s a manipulation to make you think this is great food; it tastes good, and the crash follows an initial dopamine hit.  Then there’s gut dysbiosis that happens because these foods create a leaky gut, and then we start to get an overgrowth of bacteria, yeast, and even more health challenges. We talked a bit about the cell-cultured meat, milk, and these silly commercials with celebrities eating bugs, which is so bizarre to me, but currently and kind of the conventional model, isn’t there something like upwards of 20 different cows in one pound of meat is that correct? 

By the time food gets to us, the consumer, we’re nothing more than a recycling bin. 

Four global processing plants control 85% of our animal protein in the United States of America. It’s National, Tyson, JBS, and Cargill, JBS is out of Brazil, and they’ve been price manipulating, fined, and sued. The owner of JBS has been in prison for bribery of Brazilian and United States politicians – it runs deep. They process a lot of animal protein, and they did a study, which is south of San Antonio. They looked at a batch of hamburger meat and found 89 different genetics of different cows and a pound of ground beef. So you’re consuming 89 different cows from you-don’t-know-where, and just because it says, USDA doesn’t mean anything. Just because the FDA says it’s okay doesn’t mean anything anymore. 

I’m going to get proof of that. It’s not because I hate the FDA. Suppose you look at what the FDA and the USDA are doing. They’ve captured entities of our government. In October of last year, the FDA won a lawsuit. It was a lawsuit under the GRAS rule – generally recognized as safe. That’s what the GRAS rule is. The FDA believes that if it is GRAS (generally recognized as safe), they can embed it into our food system and don’t have to tell you. 

At this time, that carton of oat or almond milk is just sugar, coloring, and all that kind of stuff. The FDA and the USDA are actively embedding 2,000 new chemicals into your food system, and they don’t have to tell you what it is because it’s GRAS – generally recognized as safe. 

If people are going to look at labels, in this in this industry, especially with beef, you say, “Hey, it’s grass-fed, it says grass-fed right here, or it’s organic,” You can have a dairy cow that has two teeth, and it’s not on some grass for a couple of days and then put grass fed on that. Nobody truly knows where their beef is coming from with the middlemen that are involved; by the time food gets to us, the consumer, we’re nothing more than a recycling bin. 

That’s what people need to accept; acceptance is the key. If you look at a nation where 78% of us are now obese or overweight. 1 out of 2 of us is already diabetic or pre-diabetic. Of our children now between the ages of 5 – 11, 46% of them are obese or overweight or have diabetes, and we have children that are coming in with fatty liver diseases. 

How do you get there? What caused this? Our consumption model is because we’re a recycling bin for industrial food through what we are eating.

The Importance of Knowing Where Your Beef Comes From

Food intelligence is knowing exactly where your food comes from. 

We’re consuming American beef, but it’s not American beef anymore because it’s a Frankenfood mixture.  We don’t know what it is. 

I have so many young people in my practice currently and throughout the years who are eating a lot of these fake meats, Beyond Burgers, and so forth. Many have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. It’s a process, and it’s my job to educate. To help them slowly realize and get over the brainwashing that these processed vegan foods are causing their health problems, OCD, depression, anxiety, etc. It’s mind-blowing. 

Talking about beef and needing to know where beef comes from, I call it the Brazilian cattle drives. If you look at the Brazilian and South American beef industries, they’re talking about destroying the rainforest. Many things happened, like cutting down a lot of the rainforest.  Who was behind that? China financed it, and at this point in time, China is importing more beef worldwide than any other nation. Brazil now exports more beef than the United States. The United States grows the best beef in the world in the United States; most of our beef gets shipped overseas, and it goes to the highest bidder. 

The packers or processors are in control, and the producer/rancher has no say. The Brazilian cattle drive where that meat starts in Brazil goes through a commodity roadmap regarding grains and chemicals. The cattle get to America, where it is slaughtered, and at a processing center, it gets slapped with USDA prime; that Brazilian beef gets fed to Americans or Texans, let’s say in Texas, and then the meat that’s grown in Texas gets shipped to China. 

This happens actively, and the ranchers try to get people to understand. This is only happening because our consumer demand allows it and accepts it because it says USDA prime. We have to say no more and create a new consumer demand toward the people who live and breathe to steward the land and the animals. Those are facts right there. 

JBS settled out of court earlier this year for a $56 million fine for significant price manipulation in the beef industry during COVID. JBS made $500 million in profit from that price manipulation, and they settled out of court for $56 million before they got any press. That’s the stuff that’s happening that the general public does not understand. 

Food Intelligence: The importance of knowing where your food comes from.

Food intelligence is knowing exactly where your food comes from.

It’s a power move in life. It’s not a judgment against anybody right now. It’s an observation that makes your life better. It creates intentionality; it creates new market access to your health. It’s a vertical integration back into human health, and the great American rancher is leading it. It starts with a touch point of you and the producers themselves. It’s possible, and people are doing it. 

I appreciate you walking us through that, Slim. This podcast is about educating people, and I want people to understand what’s happening; let’s pull back the curtain and speak the truth, where everything we’re sharing can be verified. 

This is not a judgment. We’re just simply sharing the truth with you and want you to see what’s happening and how your health is being impacted in the way that it is. 

When you’re sharing that whole process with us, how expensive that is to have to ship all of that back and forth between companies when we could just focus on our communities, ranchers, and farmers, I just think of all the wasted taxpayer money, to be quite frank with you.

The Roadmap of Our Food

I’ll give a roadmap of what happens to our food. I’m up in West Texas right now. We have a place that has a kill plant. It’s a JBS kill plant in Harford, Texas. That beef gets put on a hook and then put in a truck. That truck goes to Nebraska to cut the cow up; then, they bring it back to Texas. Once it returns to Texas, they disperse it out on the international market. 

Governments first sign the time and energy that is spent with these contracts, and then the corporations come in to bid on these contracts. So it’s a global industrial food shift. What is stopping the individual from saying I won’t do that anymore. I’m aware of that now. Acceptance is key since I know this is how it happens. 

I can go into a grocery store now in Texas and buy catfish. The label says Texas catfish. Well, that catfish is spawned in Texas. It gets shipped to China as it’s still alive. It gets fed byproducts that are part of the industrial food system. Another fake commodity they feed that catfish. The catfish comes back to Texas to be sold.  Look at all the energy used to process that catfish and how cheap that catfish is in the end.  Who made money during the transportation, the fake commodities, the feeding of that catfish, and everything on the industrial level?  

The level of food intelligence that we need as people right now lies in our heritage. It lies in our grandmothers and grandfathers, who were a hell of a lot stronger in spirit, mind, and body because they looked at food from a survival aspect instead of convenience. Everything that we look at now is based on convenience, which has led to a form of complacency.

We, the consumer, are allowing that to happen because we don’t have the level of food intelligence that we need. The level of food intelligence that we need as people right now lies in our heritage. It lies in our grandmothers and grandfathers, who were a hell of a lot stronger in spirit, mind, and body because they looked at food from a survival aspect instead of convenience. Everything that we look at it through now is based on convenience, which has led to a form of complacency. So once again, deeper down the rabbit hole of what food intelligence is.

Wonderful. Thank you for sharing that with us, Slim. I love how you weave nutritional starvation into your work as well. I’ve been saying for years that brains and bodies are inflamed in a way we’ve never seen before, especially in our children. 

To overcome this, families need to understand, as you said, what food is and how deceptive food giants are, and their labeling and marketing. So let’s talk more about this concept of nutritional starvation. Let’s get a bit more granular in terms of labeling and how can parents educate themselves better and talk about this nutritional starvation a bit more.

Food Deserts and Food Poverty Exists

I’ve been doing this for like three years. I’ve been across the nation three times now in different places and capacities. 

One thing I’ve seen, especially this year, is tons of food deserts in the United States. Many people don’t get their food from a grocery store; instead, they shop at a Dollar General or a convenience store. 

I always tell people that convenience stores have become the new supermarket, and the supermarket is the old convenience store if you look at it from that perspective. What is being consumed every day by everybody? What we’re doing is we’re overfeeding ourselves, and we’re nutritionally starving our brains and our bodies. 

On this last trip I took throughout the southern part of the United States, I saw a new layer of poverty stacked on the existing layer. I always ask people, What do you consider poverty in many people without lack of money? No, poverty is nutritional starvation. That’s it; that’s the base layer of what poverty is. 

This is due to our consumption models because of the market access we accept based on convenience. 

On this last trip I took throughout the southern part of the United States, I saw a new layer of poverty stacked on the existing layer. I always ask people, What do you consider poverty in many people out lack of money? No, poverty is nutritional starvation. That’s it; that’s the base layer of what poverty is. 

Anywhere you go, if you can get a higher capacity of nutritional vitamins and minerals, everything that you need, as far as you know what protein delivers to the brain, you can fight and get out of poverty. Suppose you look at the history of man and how societies have been starved. Russia starved 6 million people during communism; China did the same thing during their history. There’s a play in our society where you won’t always have the best nutrition if you depend on the powers that be.

I have relationships with between 10 and 20 doctors that have come to me, and they’re reporting to me the one thing they all have in common in their research. These are neuroscientists and heart surgeons, and those in functional medicine sharing that we are now nutritionally starved in our brains, and our brains are inflamed. Why is that? Well, it’s because of GMOs and overly processed food that are fake commodities we consume daily. 

What do you do? I have one doctor, Dr. Mary Kerr, out of Dallas. 

Whenever a parent comes to her with children, she tells them to do a 48-hour bone broth fast because their brain is inflamed. 

The bone broth fast or reset will help stop your system from ingesting all this industrial waste and give your body a chance to reset. Once you start thinking clearly again, you can understand the madness. Whenever you’re nutritionally starved, you’re not thinking at a critical level. Instead, you are thinking from emotions, fear, and deception. You’re thinking about many different things that have blocked your brain from being able to process in a clear form and manner. 

Everybody goes, “Oh, that’s just not true.” Yes, it is true, based on case study after case study. If you can do a 48-hour bone broth fast, what you’re doing is you’re delivering protein back to your brain, you’re giving your brain a rest, and your metabolic fuel system rest. A lot of people have a hard time doing that. 

My father was a licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor for 25 years. I look at addictions and why people get addicted. If people think that food is now not a drug, then they’re lying to themselves. It’s denial, just like we have in addiction. Somebody that tries to quit consuming this highly processed food system that causes insulin spikes by eating every four hours. It’s just a never-ending hamster wheel of consumption. 

If you stop that, it’s like an alcoholic detoxing off alcohol. Alcohol is sugar; it’s uncomfortable and scary. That’s where a lot of people are stuck these days. I always tell them to try a 48-hour bone broth fast and quit shopping in the middle aisles. 

I suggest everybody do this, and I do this myself, and I do not shop at the supermarket that much at all. Get your camera out, and walk down the cereal and the oil aisle and film it and just film the cartoon world that they’ve created in they’ve established in the United States of America, look at all the colors. 

Look at the ploy on words and labeling like heart-healthy. Boxes and products with blue vampire cartoons marketed toward your kids, and it’s all sugar. 

If you think the labels are still telling you the truth, try a 48-hour bone broth fast, and let’s see what you feel. 

Film the supermarket before and after you do a 48-hour bone broth fast. If you look at it from that perspective, give yourself a reset. It’s okay, and you’re not harming anybody. We all love each other. Right? Let’s give ourselves a break. Just try it out once and see where it goes.

I love all that you’re sharing. And just the fact, Slim, that you have these relationships with practitioners reporting to you. We know that it’s a problem,

It’s so simple. It’s complicated.

Exactly. From a clinical perspective, from what I see in terms of neurotransmitter activity, and hormonal activity, we have boys and girls with very dysregulated hormones at a very young age. 

Well, why is this what’s going on in the in-utero environment? I love working in the area of fertility because we know that if we can get parents before conception, we can create a lot of amazing change. We can prep their bodies to bring healthy children into the world who are happy, healthy, and living out their purpose in life. 

That’s why we’re doing this, right? We want to help children, and we want to help families understand. Thank you for sharing that with us. 

Slim, can you talk about overcoming food insecurity and scarcity? We’ve talked about that, but can you give us some tips about what consumers and farmers can do to protect themselves?

Can We Feed the World?

We’re not going to feed the world, and we never have. People need to lose that perception that we can’t change because we got to feed the world. 

How do you feed the world? You feed yourself first, and you feed your family, and then you feed your community.

How do you feed the world? You feed yourself first, and you feed your family, and then you feed your community.

If you can change that perspective, once again, how our ancestors used to do it, the lies do exist, we can still do everything that our grandparents did, and we can feed this nation. 

We feed a lot of the world, but we’re notprovidingg America anymore with the proteins and the good wholesome food we got here. 

If people understand the overall umbrella of the deception, then that can go back to the producers, ranchers, grass farmers, or whatever you want to call them in your area of the country. They need help. We, the consumer, need to understand that we need to change our consumer demand and put our foot down. We need to say no more. 

It takes the individual; the strong, intentional individual is the one that’s going to do this. 

Suppose you look at this like this is a big marketing plan. It’s not; it’s not Amazon, and it’s not point-and-click. It’s not based on convenience. It’s a lifestyle; it’s an intentional lifestyle that they can now join because tons of people are doing it. 

When I was in big tech, I was cited to research back when we started texting and emailing. It was a study on the division of interpersonal communication skills. That was back in 2005. And now, we predicted the telecommunications industry created the amount of division we have allowed into our lives with these devices. It has caused something of antisocial behavior that generates a form of yearning. 

This yearning goes right now into our consumption models of audio, video, and food, and every one of them is controlled in centralized ways. First, you need to decentralize your mindset and start decentralizing your market access which you, the individual, have control over. You don’t have to ask for permission. 

Then you need to shake a rancher’s hand, a producer’s hand – an animal or vegetable producer. 

You need to go out there and say, teach me, and ask questions, 

“Why do you do what you do?” I want to know more. 

Let them educate you and then say:

“How can I support you?” 

“Can I buy beef from you?” 

“Can I buy your fowl from you?” 

“Can I buy your hog from you?” 

“Can I buy your vegetables from you?” 

Once you start doing that, you start building a whole new community that’s based on your family first and is not selfish. That’s being a sovereign individual. 

Everybody yearns every day to feel empowered. 

You can get your feet on the floor in the morning, put your boots on and go out there and have an intentional lifestyle that’s not based on convenience and complacency that comes with that. 

As you do that, your food intelligence grows, your relationships become more like-minded and expand, your health improves, you’re not afraid, and you’re not playing this food insecurity game that most Americans are. 

As your food intelligence grows, your relationships become more like-minded and expand, your health improves, you’re not afraid, and you’re not playing this food insecurity game that most Americans are. 

They’re doing that because they listened to the propaganda. This is a global food industrial shift that’s going on right now. What does that mean? It means from the ground up, the industry is changing, and they’re going to reinvent it in ways that will nutritionally starve our brains even more and make us even more complacent and unhealthy. 

One out of two Americans is on insulin, or close to it. How much does insulin costs for every individual? It’s $900 a month. Who’s paying that money? Not every diabetic has to pay for their insulin, a subsidized product from the pharmaceutical industry. They do not want proactive medicine; instead, they want reactive medicine in this nation. 

If COVID didn’t prove that, they’re living in denial. Don’t play a part in it anymore. Separate. You don’t have to ask for permission; all you have to do is have some intentional behavior.

Food Intelligence: Insects contain parasites that cause allergic reactions and inflammation, which can increase cytokine production.

Removing Ourselves from the Social Media Matrix

So many pearls of wisdom there, Slim. I love how you talk about disassociating yourself from the news in general. I always tell people, please just get off your devices. We need to have them to a certain extent, some more than others. But we can pull back on those devices. 

I got off all social media, and I’m no longer interested in it. 

I invite people to my website with all of my resources. You won’t find me on Facebook or Instagram, as I no longer want to be part of that system. 

As you said, concerning a mind shift and protecting yourself. 

There are so many layers to that, not just in changing what you’re eating but in developing these communities and realizing how much we are manipulated in so many different ways. 

I’ll be honest; I’ve seen this for years. I’ve been a practitioner for over 13 years now, but COVID for so many of us was an eye opener, and seeing how the system is structured and how it works, which, again, you’ve walked us through beautifully. 

The way back is recognizing the problem, yes, developing community and relationships. It isn’t selfish to take care of yourself first. When working with a family, I almost always work with the parents first. Usually, it’s the mom, but I want to ensure they are healthy and whole. Then they can be the caregivers that their children require. That is so critical. I’m happy you said that.

I’ll explain how it affects my life and core belief systems. The women in my life. They’re the most powerful entity regarding food in this nation. Why do you think Procter and Gamble advertised and targeted the heritage woman from the very beginning? To manipulate them and to start consuming candles instead of burning them, look what they did with Crisco. 

If you look at the Heritage woman and where the pioneering woman came from, it’s the Texas panhandle – that’s the woman in my life. We live in Comanche company; we live in a rough and tumble place, and the Texas panhandle is rough. The Texas panhandle was not established until 1878, after the Comanche wars and the Mexican wars. It took a strong individual woman to come here, and that’s what I get to reflect on as my history. 

The Heritage woman and what they stand for have been manipulated. The strength and power of the Heritage woman have been basically propagandized. By saying, “Oh, you’re just going to stay in the kitchen?” Well, that’s BS. The Heritage woman is the one that feeds that heritage and the one who always thinks about food and nurturing their children and their family. 

How do we return to the nurturing and the fundamentals of what it means and where a heritage woman came from? Right now, the most powerful thing a woman can do is re-educate herself. So she can educate and feed herself based on truth and not deceptions. The endless ways of deception have to end within the heritage woman’s mindset. 

I’ve brought in several nutritionists and heritage women to join the conference we’re having in Georgia. The Beef Initiative is moving forward with the heritage woman series in an audio-docu series. We will have a panel of women from ranching families, like you, a practitioner to help re-educate the woman. 

We will make it more of an international lifestyle, unlike what they tried to do with Crisco in the early 1900s. I want to turn pop culture on its head. Most people yearn for a new sense of empowerment, especially after COVID started by looking at the heritage woman and how we can redefine it.  Our great-grandmothers, grandmothers, and mothers were strong women. They had a lot of say-so, and they had a lot of power. We’re going to give them back that power. But first, they have to get back to the source of the seed of what the solution is.

Wow. That is so well said! We could talk forever, Slim. I’m just so grateful for you. Do you have anything else you’d like to share with us today?

I encourage everybody to go to the platform beef initiative.com. If you can’t make it to Georgia, you need to tune in to the sub stack, which is TexasSlim.substack.com

Spend time doing some reading. 

Everyone asks me, “Why am I doing this?”  I am doing this to save children’s lives. 

First and foremost, I liquidated my life three years ago. I got out of Corporate America. I haven’t watched TV for over three years, I don’t listen to the propaganda, and I don’t participate in the propaganda anymore, and my life has never been better.

People need to hear what I’m saying. Turn off the fear porn. Turn off the lies; quit living in the lies. Do your research and become an expert on what food intelligence truly is. 

Start from where we came from. Ask yourself, “Why do I desire what I desire?” Simple question. Go look in the mirror and tell yourself, “Why do I desire what I desire?” 

What is your consumption model?  I’m just not talking about food. 

I’m talking about audio and video, and why do you desire that consumption model? 

Who is in control? 

That is it you? 

Because it tastes good? 

Because it sounds good?

What is it? 

Ask yourself that question. 

There’s an accountability mirror that you need to answer to. 

I’m not preaching here. I’ve done it myself. 

I don’t ask anybody to do something I haven’t done. The deceptions are real, and the solutions are real. They’re right before us, and we no longer have to ask for permission. 

From the time it’s born to a year old, a baby should never have any grains; it should be based on animal protein, animal fats, within the breast milk itself, from egg yolks, or any type of protein.

My mother used to chew up a steak when I first started eating solid foods, and she would feed me steak, the best form of nutrients you can get. Especially back then when we didn’t have any chemicals in our beef. 

If you can lose the cognitive distance, come with an open mind and look at where we came from and how powerful we were. 

Look at the state of Texas and how Texas once fed a nation with cattle. The story is fascinating. It’s a new lifestyle, so cowboy up and get busy – it’s time. That’s what I like to tell people. This is not a change that will be painful, and this is actually a change in a lifestyle you’re yearning for already. You just don’t know about it yet.

Look at the state of Texas and how Texas once fed a nation with cattle. The story is fascinating. It’s a new lifestyle, so cowboy up and get busy – it’s time. That’s what I like to tell people. This is not a change that will be painful, and this is actually a change in lifestyle you’re yearning for already. You just don’t know about it yet.

Amen to that. Wow. Thank you so much, Slim. This is a great conversation. I hope you’ll come back to the show. Thank you for your wisdom and knowledge and for standing up for the truth.  Thank you for sharing what you know so that other people can benefit. We’re just so very grateful for you.

I appreciate you inviting me on. I love to be able to spread the message. This is a collaboration, and we’re all in this together.

Food intelligence recognizes the relationship between animals and humans. Because true nutrition comes from mineral-rich soil for animals and humans alike can thrive. Taking soil and animals out of the consumption model and into a lab is a recipe for disaster. That is where the deception lies. No amount of lab-cultured meat will be able to replace meat from healthy animals. Slim’s creation of The Beef Initiative Network is a grassroots organic movement where the seed and soil source is a dominant factor when localizing pure animal protein. The sole ethos of TBI is to provide a platform to like-minded, regenerative farmers, direct market access to processing plants, and customers alike.

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