Welcome to part two of my conversation with Dr. Sina McCullough, researcher and author of Hands Off My Food, a book about how government and industry have corrupted our food and easy ways to fight back. In part one, we talked about Sina’s amazing healing journey and recovery from a severe autoimmune condition and how a gluten-free diet gave her arsenic poisoning. We also discussed the revolving door between Big Ag and our regulatory agencies, which are supposed to advocate for our safety.
As I shared in part one, our food supply is tainted, making us sick and creating major health problems for our children. But even more heartbreaking is that we are losing our freedom as a result of this madness.
If we look around, we see a global push towards more and more lab-manufactured Franken foods, including insects that harbor harmful parasites and allergy-inducing compounds. At the same time, demonizing our farmers and ranchers. The convenience of fast food is not worth the price you pay to be miserable.
Today, Sina and I talk more about manipulative food labeling and what you can do to protect yourself. Sina is the creator of the online program Go Wild: How to Reverse Chronic and Autoimmune Disease, which teaches people how to reverse chronic and autoimmune diseases in a step-by-step manner. She is also an expert in nutrition, disease reversal, functional medicine, exercise physiology, and energy medicine, as well as a certified natural healer, master herbalist, and gluten-free society practitioner.
Sina is the author of two books, Hands Off My Food and Beyond Labels, which she co-authored with Joel Salatin from Polyface Farm.
She is also the co-host and co-producer of the Beyond Labels podcast alongside Joel Salatin, in addition to hosting a cooking show titled Easy Peasy Cooking with Dr. Sina and writes for The Epoch Times.
She earned a Ph.D. in nutrition and a BS in neurobiology with a minor in exercise physiology from the University of California at Davis. She taught biochemistry and bioenergetics at UC Davis, before becoming a homeschool mom. She was also the director of research and development for a nutraceutical company.
Dr. McCullough nearly died from an autoimmune disease. However, through the grace of God, she was able to heal fully without the use of medication. Now she is dedicated to helping others find their second chance.
In this episode, we discuss:
- Why chemical additives in our food is cause for concern
- How GRAS labeling provides a false sense of security
- Why sick children are more valuable in the health care system than a healthy child
- Uncomplicating the marketing behind Grass-Fed vs. Grass-Finished Meat
- Why the EU has banned chicken from America
- The scary truth about plastic
- Why hydroponic vegetables do not provide the same nutrients as soil-grown vegetables
Listen to the podcast here:
Within the below transcript, the bolded text is Samantha Gilbert, and the regular text is Dr. Sina McCullough.
Why Chemical Additives in our Food is Cause for Concern
Sina, can we get a little bit more granular regarding the chemicals? Because there are like 10,000 chemical additives in our food supply? What are some examples? You already gave a great example with the rBGH milk, but what are some examples of these additives? How do they affect us in ways we are completely unaware of?
I love this question because this is what opened my husband’s eyes. We all have this veil of unearned trust over our eyes, this unearned trust in the food supply, unearned trusted medical system, and it’s up to us to lift that.
During my healing journey, my husband was eating completely different than me. He was still eating conventional foods and pasteurized milk, and you name it, totally different diets. He would edit each of my chapters of this book, and I handed him the chapter on GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe). After reading the chapter and making a trip to Costco for free samples, he comes home.
Every Friday, we would meet at Costco on his lunch break, and we’d all go around and get all these samples. Having read my chapter on GRAS, he returns home from his usual Costco run and looks agitated.
If you know my husband, that’s rare. He’s so even-keeled all the time; nothing rattles his feathers. He comes home agitated, looks at me, and says, “Thanks a lot. You’ve ruined Costco for me.”

False Sense of Food Safety Due to GRAS Labeling
I’ll share this discovery with you. GRAS stands for Generally Recognized As Safe. As you said, there are about 10,000 chemicals in our food supply, and most of those chemicals have actually not been tested for safety by the FDA and are not regulated by the FDA.
We don’t know how these chemicals affect our long-term health, and we don’t know what happens when we combine these chemicals.
For example, nobody knows the long-term health effects of eating Doritos with a soda because nobody’s testing for it. How is that possible?
Another example of a regulatory loophole began in 1958 when Congress passed the Food Additives Amendment, and the purpose of that bill was to test chemicals for safety before being added to our food supply.
You would think, that was original.
Yes, well-intentioned, right? But that amendment contains what’s called the GRAS Exemption. When a chemical is declared GRAS, it means the FDA doesn’t test the chemical for safety, and it doesn’t regulate the use of that chemical, including the level in the food supply.
Who determines if it is scraped? The company that makes the chemical determines if it is safe for you to eat, and they determine the safety level. All they need is an “expert” to declare it to be safe. Usually, these experts have financial ties to the company; some are on the company payroll, with direct financial ties to these companies.
Once one of these industry-funded experts declares a chemical GRAS, the company can immediately add it to our food. The company doesn’t have to notify the FDA that they’re adding that chemical to your food. That notification process is voluntary. But here’s the real kicker. “Guess who made the process voluntary? Oh, the FDA.”
I knew you would say the FDA, and I was waiting for it.
The FDA made this whole process voluntary. If you ask the FDA, “What’s the deal here?” “Why aren’t you doing your job?” “Why aren’t you testing the chemicals for safety?”
Do you know what the FDA will tell you? And I know because I emailed them asking. They [FDA] said, “It’s not their job.”
That is so crazy. Really? The FDA said that’s not their job!?!
That’s right!
I have a quote in my book, two different qualities, one from direct communication and one from a document I found from their internal document quoted in the book. They, the FDA, basically said it’s not their job because of the way Congress wrote the law. Congress did not task the FDA with this job. Congress declared in a law, or bill, that industry was responsible for determining whether their own chemicals were safe. The FDA literally says, “It’s not our job, and this is why legally, it’s not our job.”
What are our taxes going to? Never mind, I think we have a good idea of where they’re going. But that’s another show.
I know! Here’s the thing, you wanted an example of one of these chemicals that got into our food supply without being tested or regulated by the FDA.
Here’s the most well-known example. All your listeners will know this, but they won’t know that it was GRAS.
The best-known example is GMOs. Of course, Genetically Modified Organisms.
People were like, “Oh, GMOs must be safe, right?” Whether or not you believe they’re safe, somebody will say, “I don’t agree with GMOs. They can’t be safe. God didn’t make them,” but then they continue to eat them.
Most Americans eat GMOs daily because they eat processed foods. And GMOs are in most processed foods. Even if saying, “I don’t think GMOs might be safe,” we are still eating them. And why I think that is, is because, on a subconscious level, we believe somebody in the government or the industry has tested them for safety. That’s what I used to think.
We’re trusting.
If it is on the grocery store shelf, it must have gotten there after passing a safety test. Here’s what the FDA did when confronted with the issue of GMOs and they presumed that GMOs were GRAS.
They didn’t declare they were GRAS; they just presumed they were GRAS. This means the companies creating these GMOs decided for themselves if their genetically modified food or product was GRAS and how much was safe for us to eat.
That’s how the FDA, “approved” GMOs. That’s the most well-known example of a GRAS chemical that got into our food supply through that regulatory loophole.
There are hundreds of them.
There are all kinds of them from the emulsifiers in our foods. An emulsifier doesn’t sound that scary and is not a long chemical name. We are now finding out that these emulsifiers, the guar gums, and what not, can lead to gut dysbiosis.
Even the ones that seem pretty benign, we’re seeing they’re affecting our health. Again, it’s the long-term effects that I’m looking at. I’m not talking about acute effects because people will say, “the food supply has to be safe.”

The body has an amazing ability to deal with things acutely, but with all kinds of toxins from all different levels, and it’s getting worse, the toxins in the food supply are getting worse. What I am addressing here is long-term; “What is the long-term health consequence?”
The bottom line is if a scientist, a medical doctor, or a government agency employee looks at this honestly. They would have to say, “There is no way for us to know the long-term health consequences.”
Why? Because no one has ever looked at what happens when we have these chemicals in the food supply, toxins around us, the injections, and toxins in the air and water.
People are still determining what’s going to happen long-term. We can guess because we see chronic illnesses skyrocketing across the board with adults, children, and babies. This is not good, but nobody can say if you keep eating Doritos and soda, etc., you’re going to be okay long-term because no one’s actually studied it.
A critical piece here, as a practitioner. I often hear, “I only have x once a week, or it’s not that big a deal.” Then the side effects that my clients and patients are having are astronomical. They feel much better when we remove these foods, so the proof is in the pudding. Folks, I say that a lot.
I’ve had people attack me because I talked about where we’re headed and how heartbreaking it is. We want to help these children at a young age, but parents-to-be also have a lot of power in what they choose to eat before conception.
That’s another area that I work in as well. Again, as you said, I want people to understand the long-term impact. We see the rise of autoimmune diseases, with over 110 and counting, and these diseases don’t come out of thin air and for no reason.
Your story of healing, Sina, illustrates the power of food so beautifully.
The power to recognize and become aware on a deep fundamental level that something is off. Realizing what I’m doing, looking at my environment, what I’m consuming, and what I am exposed to, and then going from there.
I have to say because of GRAS; I shake my head at FEMA (Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association) as well. It’s like a shell company, similar to what Pfizer created to take the fall for all the lawsuits filed against them. These are fronts to get the public to think it’s safe when it is not.
Oh, yes! We’ve traded freedom for the illusion of safety, and we’re simply left with an illusion of freedom.
Most of us would say, “Oh, yeah, I’m free.” “I’m free to make my own medical and food choices, so I can decide if I want Advil or Tylenol.” “Or, if I want to see this doctor or that doctor.” “Or if I’m going to eat pizza or Chinese food for dinner.” Those sound like choices right at first blush, but most decisions are already made for you. And what may look like a choice is simply an illusion of freedom.
And what may look like a choice is simply an illusion of freedom.
I love how you frame that, just to interject,one of the frustrating things about travel is there are few widely available options. There’s a lot of fast food. Let’s say you’re traveling across the country. Of course, there’s fast food everywhere. And like you said, that gives the illusion of choice, “Oh, I can go to Taco Bell, or I can have pizza, or I can have Chinese food, or maybe I want Mexican,” whatever the choice is. Is that a choice when we know inherently that these foods are toxic and poisonous to us?
Well, not only that but in all of those examples you gave, if you broke down their component parts, what are they mainly made of? They’re made of genetically modified corn and soy, probably with pesticides.
I tell people when you’re standing in the grocery store, and you’re like, “Oh, I’m gonna choose between Chinese food and a frozen pizza,” you’re really just choosing between genetically modified soy and corn with pesticides and genetically modified soy and corn with pesticides.
That’s because of the Farm Bill. The Farm Bill has contributed to our illusion of choice, that you’re really eating the same foodstuffs repeatedly. And by the way, this is one reason we’re developing different food sensitivities and food allergies because the Farm Bill, in and of itself, has greatly decreased the amount of food variety we consume in our diet. We’re overconsuming certain foods we weren’t even designed to consume in the first place.

Our Children are More Valuable Sick than Healthy
Kid’s foods are an excellent example of this. Walk down the cereal aisle, and you will see how brightly colored cartoon characters are on the boxes. Of course, they are marketing toward children because children are more valuable sick and in the system than healthy and outside of the system. A healthy child (or adult) doesn’t require our money going to flu shots, medications, surgeries, and so forth.
It takes on a new meaning if we can see it that way and reframe it. I love how you frame GMO and gluten-free frauds in your book. I’d like to know if we can also talk about things that are labeled grass-fed, organic and pasture-raised, and free-range.
We have talked a lot about rBGH milk, and milk has now become confusing. Clients say, “Well, I’ve got this wonderful A2 milk, and it’s supposed to be so much better for me.” I would love it if you spoke about that more.
For instance, the concept of free range is a huge marketing ploy. In essence, the FDA’s definition of free range means that the chicken has the freedom to move all the appendages to their extreme extent. They could be in CAFOs (confinement facilities) but not in cages.
An organic chicken can still be raised, in a big house, like a CAFO, living stuck together, not seeing a pasture, as long as they are not in a cage. CAFOs have these little popholes with a three-foot strip outside; typically, chickens do not go out through a pophole to go out to this three-foot strip.
These can be organic, free-range chickens we’re discussing. The chickens can sit in these buildings as long as you’re not in a cage. Of course, the chickens all have their feces and chicken scratch. As it aerosolizes, the chickens end up breathing it in, causing a situation similar to a leaky gut in a human, and the chickens become sick. When they scratch it, a pathogen can get into the chickens and get all the way down to the egg, for example.
In contrast, if you say to somebody, “Oh, imagine what an organic free-range chicken looks like; where does it live?” They’re probably going to say things like, “Oh, it’s out on green grass, it’s out in the sun, it’s pecking at the ground and getting a worm.” That is not the case for a lot of organic free-range chickens.
Instead, the best way to do it is to go to your local farmer, and you can see how the chickens are raised. For local farmers trust, but verify. To do this, I call them in advance, ask questions, look at their website and try to get the answers. I do a phone interview first to see if the farmer aligns with my values and if I want to support that farm. Then I take the family on a little field trip to explore the farm. You can see firsthand how these chickens are housed and what not.
Another way you can do this is through the American Pastured Poultry Producers Association website. APPPA should be aware of the people raising pastured animals and promote those farmers. It is one of the ways to find farmers who are actually practicing raising truly pastured chickens. That’s an easy way to cut to the chase.
Uncomplicating Grass-Fed vs. Grass-Finished Meat and Which is Better for You
Grass-fed beef is complicated in the marketplace—grass-fed meat versus grass-finished meat. The USDA doesn’t regulate what grass-fed means. It is a gray area, someone can label their beef as grass-fed meat, and even if that cow ate one blade of grass, you could label it as grass-fed. Grass-finished means they fed the cow grass throughout its life, and when it went to the feedlot, it was finished on grass.
Again, it’s counterintuitive because grass-finished logically would imply it only ate grass at the end.
Exactly, yes.
That’s not how it works.
Grass-fed means they can even eat one blade of grass, and they’re good to go versus grass-finished, meaning it was fed his whole life and finished. I buy from a local farmer whenever possible. If I run out and shop at the grocery store, I look for a few things for my red meat: organic, grass-fed, and grass-finished. I try to buy one with both labels, never buying one that only says organic and grass-fed; it would have to say at least organic and grass-finished on the label.

I’m glad you made that distinction.
I want to add something because many people need to know about this. When buying eggs and chicken from the grocery store, they are usually disinfected with something and, most of the time, disinfected with chlorine. An issue for obvious reasons. When chickens are disinfected with chlorine, we don’t know how much chlorine gets into the chicken, and no one has ever measured that. The EU has banned chicken washed in chlorine and won’t allow our chickens to be imported for their citizens to eat.
Though, the USDA thinks it’s good enough for Americans to eat.
Of course, of course.
With the eggs, someone will say, “Yeah, but the egg has a shell around it, so does it really matter if it is dipped in chlorine?” Here’s the thing. The shell is porous and has little holes, and the USDA knows this. The USDA has listed egg cleaning agents like chlorine as food additives.
Oh, my gosh!
Yes! The USDA fully expects it to become part of the egg, and because it’s a food additive and used in the washing process, it is exempt from being labeled.
Of course!
It’s not going to be labeled, and you can find labeling on the packaging and can’t tell if it has been bleached or whatnot.
In the book, I reference the Food Safety Inspection Service Database website. On their website, you match an establishment number on the egg or chicken package. You can match the establishment number to the processing location by typing it into the website. Once you have the processing location, you can call or email them to ask what is used to sterilize their eggs.
This was another one of those things where you have to become a detective and track it down; it will take time.
Again, if you get to choose where you want to spend your time, for someone like me, who knows the power of food and got really sick from it and doesn’t want to eat these chemicals, it’s worth it for me to track down these foods and agents used.
Another reason someone might want to track down whether chicken and eggs are being sterilized is because sometimes they’re sterilized with hydrogen peroxide or citric acid, which are usually derived from corn.
If you call the company and ask, “Does any of the corn protein get into the chicken or go through the pores in the egg?” If they’re honest, they will tell you, “No one has actually studied that, so we don’t know.”
If you have gluten sensitivity or gluten intolerance, you do not want to eat chicken or eggs sterilized with corn-derived ingredients. It is essential to know where your food comes from and how it’s processed.
Many people will tell me, “I don’t want to drive to the farm and get my food and whatnot.” It takes work to figure out these labeling lies, the deception, the loopholes, to arm yourself with the knowledge to go into a grocery store and not get sick in the long-term from the food.
An easier thing to do is to find a farm you trust and patronize the farm. We have farms that deliver to your door, like Polyface farm; for instance, if you live in the US, you can order his food online. You can’t order the eggs online, but you can order chicken and meat, to be delivered right to your doorstep. We now have other ways of procuring real nutrient-dense, wholesome foods instead of succumbing to all these labeling lies and loopholes in the grocery store.
Yeah, I’m so glad you said that because that’s difficult for most families. There are some wonderful ones, like Polyface Farm, White Oak Pastures in Georgia is another favorite of mine. There’s a couple, and I give all those resources when people come on board and start working with me.
Another thing to add is that I have my wonderful friend Texas Slim who I’ve interviewed, who is the founder of The Beef Initiative. The Beef Initiative is another way to order healthy meat and, of course, match you locally.
It’s extraordinary.
You already know this, but most USDA beef is from outside the United States, containing about 20 Different cows in one pound of “USDA beef.”
It’s so heartbreaking how our farmers and ranchers are treated. That’s another show, and I’m glad we’re talking about sourcing because the ability to order online and get your good quality animal products and proteins online is critical.
Why Plastic Should be Avoided at All Costs
What about microplastics?
I try to avoid anything that comes in plastic, including cans. Cans are usually lined with some type of plastic, and I stay away from all those things. I need to remember the actual statistic. It’s something like every week; the average American eats a credit card size worth of plastics.
It’s something like every week; the average American eats a credit card size worth of plastics.
Something ridiculous like that. We know plastics are hormone disruptors. I avoid plastic at all costs. I don’t drink out of plastic water containers or use plastic Tupperware. I do not store anything in plastic; glass is my go-to, and as we’re speaking, I drink out of a mason jar. I’m actually known for this now.
I love it.
People will ask me questions like, “What? Are you drinking moonshine?” I was born and raised in California. When I first moved to the south, somebody asked me that I looked at my husband, and I was like, “What’s moonshine like?”
It is my structured water in my mason jar. My kids are the same; we drink out of glass, and we don’t use saran wrap or aluminum foil.
A big one, too, that most people may have yet to think about: it’s obvious when someone points it out. A lot of us drink coffee now, I drink chicory root tea, but many people drink coffee. When they get coffee to go, it has those lids on it. So what’s happening is the coffee is hot.
The heat comes up to the lid.
As it condenses, it drops back down into the cup and brings little pieces of plastic with it. The lid is starting to degrade due to the heat. If you still want to go out and get your coffee, I tell people to bring their own mug or a portable glass jug and just bring it with them. And often, they won’t fill up your mug and make you handle it.
Yes, I’ve seen that.
Ask them not to put the lid on the cup. Just have them hand it to you and immediately pour it into your ceramic or whatever cup you use that’s not plastic. You can still have it, which will help decrease your plastic load.
Those are excellent tips. I love those tips.

I’m curious, Sina. Do you have any data or information on autopsy biosludge that they’re using to create cheap supplements, used in the food supply?
I do know biosludge can be used in conventionally grown produce. If you look into the government’s documents, it is allowable. When you look at organic, there are lots of loopholes in organic, of course, but one of the benefits of going organic is it does help reduce your toxic burden.
And part of that reduction comes from the fact that they are not allowed to use biosludge to grow the food. In a roundabout way, it is acknowledged when you look at the government’s documents. Organic doesn’t allow it, but in conventional, you can. I have talked with different farmers who have said this is a practice used in the United States to grow at least some percentage of our conventional fruits and vegetables.
Thank you for clarifying that.
The research I’ve looked into, like the cheap nutrients and supplements people buy at Costco and so forth, is utilizing biosludge. That’s why I’m very particular when I recommend nutrients for my nutrient therapy protocols that are of the highest quality and are often more expensive.
But again, we’re talking about your health here. That’s important, and I’m glad you touched on that Sina, as organic labeling is not perfect. There’s a lot of loopholes. To your point, you are reducing that toxic load. Glyphosate is another example. There are still chemicals used in organic, but there are some loopholes.
Are there any specific loopholes that you can share more about organic labeling?
There are several. In organics, you can grow food hydroponically and have it labeled as organic. This is an ongoing fight, we just lost another one of the battles on this, like we’re still in the war, but we just lost another battle on this.
For people who aren’t aware, hydroponic means, in essence, the plant is going to get its nutrition through a liquid source, and usually, we think of water. The plant is grown not in soil but in some system with water running through it. They add liquid nutrients to it, like liquid fertilizer, for instance. We’re opposed to this for obvious reasons, but one of the most obvious ones is that God designed plants to be grown in soil.
One of the reasons is because of all the microbes that are in that soil. We know only like 10% of all the organisms in the soil at this point. In a handful of soil, there are more organisms in that than almost all the people in the world; there’s such a vast array of it.
It’s ego, or arrogance, to think that something that intricate, that complex, that God created, that we can try to mimic that as men in a hydroponic system.
It’s an unnatural system for this plant. It’s akin to raising a chicken in a CAFO. It’s not where they’re designed to be, God did not create them in those little cages, and he didn’t design these plants to be fed by liquid nutrients or live in this water system. There’s so much in the soil that we don’t even know exists.
The micro rhizomes communicate underneath the soil, and we need the microbes. We know that a big reason people develop diseases like autism, high blood pressure, to cancer is because of the loss of not only the number of microbes in our gastrointestinal tract but loss and the diversity of microbes in our gastrointestinal tract.

When you take the soil away and grow your food without the soil, you instantly reduce the number of microbes you will consume through your food. It’s like writing your death sentence, and I’m adamantly opposed to it, and that’s just one loophole in organics.
Another is a pig can be declared organic pork, even if raised on a concrete slab. It doesn’t ever have to be out in nature, and it can be on a concrete slab, which counts as organic.
We also know that while the organic label doesn’t technically allow GMOs, the USDA doesn’t test for GMOs during the certification process. No testing is required to maintain the USDA Organic status, so that’s a big loophole; we don’t know if they are GMO-free.
Another one is that glyphosate is not allowed to be used in organic production, and the USDA doesn’t routinely test for the presence of glyphosate.
There are these loopholes that exist in the organic label and what I do is when I’m in the grocery store, I pair the organic label. I pair it with a Non-GMO Project label, a third-party independent organization that tests for the presence of GMOs in the food supply.
I also pair it with the glyphosate residue-free seal from another independent third-party organization called The Detox Project. The Detox Project also independently tests for glyphosate in the individual ingredients and the final product.
Even if the government was going to test for glyphosate, which the FDA has started to test some foods for glyphosate, they don’t test the final product.
For example, you could pass if you had cookies that had 10 ingredients. If every ingredient had just a small amount of glyphosate, it could potentially pass the government levels, but when combined into the final product, it would not pass. The Detox Project tests the final product.
When I go to the grocery store, I’m looking for the cleanest food I can find. This process says I pair the USDA organic label with the non-GMO project’s label and The Detox Projects glyphosate residue-free label. It’s complicated, right? Getting to the grocery store without getting sick is complicated.
It is, but you’ve done a beautiful job walking us through it.
I want to be really respectful of your time, Sina. There’s so much more we can discuss, and we will link to your wonderful research and books. We hope people can get your book to educate themselves and take back their power.
Thank you again, my dear. You are a blessing to the world.
You are an extraordinary force in our fight for freedom. I am honored to know you and to be able to call you my friend.
Oh my goodness, you just gave me goosebumps. I am thrilled to have been on the show with you, and I’d love to continue our relationship. This is honestly one of the most enjoyable interviews I’ve ever had. That’s a lot about you. I appreciate this opportunity and look forward to continuing our relationship.
Though a difficult topic. I’m grateful to Sina for exposing the corruption of our food supply. This process can feel overwhelming, but perfection is never the goal. You don’t have to make these changes all at once. Remember, We The People, have the power, and we can consciously speak with our dollars.
If folks stopped buying processed foods, the companies that make these ultra-processed foods wouldn’t be in business anymore.
Sina reminds us that most of us search for answers outside ourselves when it comes to health and wellness. But every answer to every health question already exists inside you, and all you need to do is learn how to harness that internal power. You can find Sina and her books on her website.
0 Responses
We try to eat mostly paleo , but I am still suffering. It’s been 11 years now. I have MCAS. My son has a Neuro AI disease. If one or multiple members of a family are suffering autoimmune conditions and are disabled on a fixed income, eating completely healthy to heal is impossible. You need to be rich to afford pasture raised meats starting at $15 /lb! And forget the price of eggs! Organic is the best I can do, even though it’s grain fed. I buy grass fed and finished beef but we eat that sparingly. We can’t have any inflammatory grains to fill us up , although we do have some organic jasmine rice on occasion. My kids only want gluten free pasta which is organic but the grains are inflammatory. I don’t even trust that organic produce ( or organic anything for that matter) is in fact organic because the deception and corruption in this country is outrageous. Want to start a garden but am not well enough to tend to it. I spend my entire disability every month to afford all the special foods and supplements. Also, Having MCAS puts you on an extremely limited diet which defeats the purpose of using nutrition to heal!
I’ve blown through many natural Drs in the part 7 or so years, who charge a fortune, and the tests required to find root causes, and I can no longer afford this type of care, so we see a chiropractor and that’s all. Supplements get very expensive when you rely on so many to supplement foods you cannot consume due to food allergies and sensitivities, or the depleted soil and nutrients.
It’s futile and I cannot wait for the Lord to take us home!