l-glutamine dangers

Is glutamine supplementation safe? Are you concerned about possible side-effects? In today’s post, I explain what glutamine is, its effect on the brain and body, and why it’s not a safe nutrient for everyone.

What is Glutamine?

Glutamine is an amino acid used in the biosynthesis of proteins and is a major player in many biochemical functions, including:

  • Protein synthesis, like other proteinogenic amino acids
  • Lipid synthesis, particularly by cancer cells
  • Regulation of acid-base balance in the kidney through ammonium production
  • Provision of cellular energy, alongside glucose
  • Nitrogen donation for various anabolic processes, including purine synthesis
  • Carbon donation, replenishing the citric acid cycle
  • Safe transportation of ammonia in the blood circulation
  • Precursor to the neurotransmitter glutamate

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Is Glutamine Safe?

As an oral supplement, glutamine is used in catabolic states of injury and illness. It has been used to combat the muscle-wasting that occurs in people with advanced cancer and HIV/AIDS, as well as for professional athletes who expend lots of physical energy.

Many people with gut infections and intestinal barrier issues have seen improvements by using glutamine; it is generally beneficial for physical health. However, as a practitioner specializing in mental health, I have noticed that a significant number of people in my practice do not respond well to it. The common adverse reactions to glutamine are heightened anxiety, panic attacks, and increased OCD.

Glutamine and the Brain

Glutamine serves as a precursor for glutamate and GABA, the two primary neurotransmitters in the brain. While glutamate, which is derived from glutamine, is excitatory and potentially neurotoxic, GABA, also derived from glutamine, can neutralize excess glutamate. The main concern in the brain is an overabundance of glutamate.

Is Glutamate Bad for the Brain?

Glutamate is the number one amino acid in the bloodstream, with copious amounts flowing around in the periphery of the body. The process that converts glutamine to glutamate is a straightforward one, primarily occurring in glial brain cells, which support and help nourish brain neurons.

The brain always has lots of glutamate and glutamine present, so when we talk about glutamine versus glutamate, we’re not saying that one or both are inherently unhealthy. We want to find balance. The problem is that glutamate tends toward neuronal hyperactivity, and glutamine can pass the blood-brain barrier very readily. In other words, glutamate is excitatory, and too much neuronal activity can kill brain cells. When excessive glutamate is in the vicinity of neurons, it tends to allow too much calcium to enter the neurons and that can kill off mitochondria and therefore brain cells.

Glutamate causes a high percentage of brains to become overexcited, leading to increased neuronal activity. This chronic overexcitability can result in apoptosis or the death of brain cells and is associated with several mental health conditions, including mania in bipolar disorder and hyperactivity, among others. Not only is it neurotoxic, but it can also result in the death of brain cells.

Some people are more prone to overexcitability than others, and this is why testing is essential. Then there are people born without a tendency for neuronal hyperactivity so for them, glutamine is likely safe.

People born with a tendency for neuronal excitability or hyperactivity are most at risk of glutamate complications. Individuals with methylation imbalances or patients who have high copper levels tend toward high neuronal activity, which can cause anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder, making glutamine supplements very dangerous.

High levels of glutamate have been observed in conjunction with serious diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS), and autism.

GABA Brain Benefits

Gamma-aminobutyric acid, otherwise known as GABA, calms the brain, making brain neurons, in general, less hyperactive, whereas glutamate does the exact opposite. There are numerous glutamate and GABA receptors in brain cells, and when GABA interacts with a neuron at a receptor, it increases the voltage of that brain cell and has a calming effect.

GABA is related to the voltage of brain cells. The brain contains about 80 billion neurons (or brain cells), which do not divide. Essentially, you retain the same neuronal brain cells you were born with. In terms of neurotransmission and brain function, these cells must fire and communicate with each other using voltage.

GABA is an extremely safe supplement and I often recommend it in my practice for calming while I work with a client on correcting the underlying biochemical imbalances that are causing their anxiety to begin with. I tend to prefer liposomal forms of GABA and it works well with other calming agents for greater effect, especially if you have trouble calming down before bed.

What do NMDA Receptors Do?

N-methyl-D-aspartate, or NMDA, is a type of glutamate receptor. The NMDA receptor is unique and plays a significant role in memory function and obsessive-compulsive tendencies. It is also a key factor in schizophrenia when it malfunctions. For the NMDA receptor to function, glutamate must simultaneously dock at a receptor while another dual receptor system interacts with several neurotransmitters.

Although generally, you want to avoid excess glutamate in the brain, increasing glutamate activity at the NMDA receptor can be beneficial for people with certain conditions, provided it doesn’t affect other glutamate receptors. This can be accomplished through nutrient therapy.

What About Free Glutamates from Natural Foods?

My experience with glutamates from healing foods, such as bone broth, is that the foods can be made safely (such as meat stock that’s cooked slow and at a lower temperature with less time, usually 3 hours), therefore producing significantly less glutamic acid while still imparting healing benefits. I have found that the effects ultimately depend on a patient’s chemistry and symptoms, as well as food preparation methods.

Final Thoughts on Glutamine Versus Glutamate

In closing, if you struggle with any kind of mental health issue (even if it’s mild), you’d be wise to steer clear of any form of glutamine supplementation (l-glutamine is the most common). If you are supplementing, I encourage keeping a journal notating any responses. Even if you are an athlete, it’s wise to be aware of any harm it could be causing. Be sure to read labels, l-glutamine is added to many protein powders and gut formulations.

Also, keep in mind that gut issues often have methylation imbalances, copper toxicity, zinc deficiency, and pyrrole disorder, which can exacerbate SIBO, candida, and other pathogens, making testing an important tool in the recovery process.

If you know of someone who struggles with a chronic mental health condition, please share this post. If you are struggling, please share your experience in the comments below. It is through sharing your story that we create community, eliminate guilt and shame, and bring about healing.

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105 Responses

    1. Glutathione is often confused with glutamate, but they are very different. Glutathione is generally safe for most people, but I would check with your practitioner first.

      1. I took it for 2 days and started feeling so strange. I’m I’ve been dealing with anxiety and panic for the last 6 months and the past couple of days I’ve been feeling super tired and weird. Today I stopped taking it and just reading these comments gave me fear. I hope I haven’t damaged my brain.

    2. I may have to have someone project layman language .
      I use L Glutamine.

      Very confusing !

      1. I agree, I’m lost and scared my Functional Dr just prescribe this for me to heal Gut Dysbosis but I’m dealing with alot of depression and anxiety do to being I’ll.

    3. Recently I began using L Glutamine to help suppress sugar cravings. Within a few weeks of taking it occasionally, I began having trouble thinking and remembering simple things. I can only assume it was the L Glutamine since I’m already taking GABA and combined, I believe it has affected my thinking faculties. This is the only thing new in my vitamin and supplements. Decided to stop taking to see if this indeed is the issue.

  1. I have a few mental disorders. I don’t take a supplement, but should I test my levels? If so, what test is used?

    1. Hi Belinda,
      There are a variety of labs that are determined after an assessment. Click here to schedule a complimentary session with me to see how I can help you.

  2. Albeit glutamine having repercussions for those with mental health imbalances, I have documented no real negative effect at randomized doses under 5g. Glutamine, from what I’ve read, takes a week or so to build up in our system (hence the “loading” phase in athletes), therefore I seem to be having sucess taking it during shorter periods of time; allowing my body to receive the gut healing and muscle repair benefits. It can be a wonderful supplement to administer where slow muscle recover is predominate, or other gut healing protocols are seemingly not working. It was the one nutrient that gave me relief of intense post exercise muscle pain 🙂

    1. I agree it is a great nutrient, but even at lower doses, it can create significant negative reactions. I’m glad it worked well for you!

    1. I started taking L glutamine a five days ago. I’m using 5g of powder in a shake once a day. Suddenly I find I’m in a state of excessive worry and feeling depressed and anxious about the future. I was hoping it would help with some gut issues and lack of motivation, after reading a lot of positive reviews. It was not until today that I searched for a list of negative side effects, after experiencing these systems. Goes to show that we see and hear what we want to. Natural supplements are not always for everyone. I’m going to stop using it.

      1. My son has been on L-glutamine (2g/day) since 2019 for gut health. For the last 1.5 years, he has been in a fight or flight mode 24/7 — he had some testing done and his cam kinase (which upregulates epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine) was sky high. I read glutamate can increase the cam kinase. Would the L-glutamine increase glutamate??? Could this be the cause of our nightmare???

        To note, he gets severely depressed when we’ve tried to stop the L-glutamine in the past.

  3. Hi Sami
    I had blood test done and noticed that copper and zinc were also tested.
    I’ve read that the copper/zinc ratio is as important as each level by itself and also the ceruloplasmin is also significant. When I try to determine the ratio it doesn’t come out to match and any reference that I read of so I think I’m figuring it wrong.
    If my copper is 114 (mcg/dL) and zinc is 71 (mcg/dL), ceruloplasmin is 28 (mg/dl), can you tell me how to determine the ration?
    Thank you

    1. You just divide the copper value by the zinc. Your ratio is 1.6,too high right now (just like my daughter’s 🙂

  4. I remember taking L-glutamine many years ago after reading the Mood Cure by Julia Ross. I instantly felt very good. However, I think that taking it over the years may have contributed to problems down the road. Now I know I’m an overmethylator. I’m really thankful I did the biochemistry testing and that you are sharing this information.

  5. Can you tell me how do I know if a collagen powder or protein powder contain glutamine,since, as you stated it can be hidden?

    1. All protein powders contain free glutamates, which most aren’t a problem for most people. What you need to look out for is the addition of l-glutamine to their formula. It will be listed under ingredients on the nutrition label.

    1. I am so glad I read this information today regarding l-Glutamine. I was diagnosed with leaky gut syndrome may years ago
      by my holistic doctor prescribed this supplement. I tried many time on and off. Every time I started, I had to discontinue it because I did not feel good. I felt nausea, stomach discomfort and headaches.

    2. I’m really worried. My functional dr had me taking a lot to heal leaky gut. Now I can’t think straight- have anxiety and panic. Is this permanent?

      1. Hi Kathleen – the negative effects of the l-glutamine will wear off over time after you stop taking it.

        1. Thank God! I took it for 2 days and feel horrible. I stopped today and I am shaking and have difficulty concentrating. I thought it was my thyroid meds but it’s not.

      2. Kathleen,
        How are you feeling? I read your post and feel exactly like you.
        Ive suffered from panic attacks, palpitations at night-occasionally. My nutritionist prescribed L-Glutamine for my auto immune. I immediately felt so anxious, but kept taking them. 3 days in I had the worse ever panic attack: my heart was racing so very fast, i could not calm down my panic, i started to shake-i mean the whole body shook like ive just been in an ice bath, even my TMJ, i couldnt breath, nothing helped, my brain felt like exploding, it was so bad it did cross my mind to cut my wrists. I took some emergency Diazepam and it slowly calmed down.
        So thankful for all your comments. I know im not alone. And stopped L-G. Im still having very severe panic attacks at night which jump me out of the sleep and they can not be calmed down without Diazepam-which i hate taking. I can not explain how angry im with my nutritionist, who should have known better and even when i informed her she suggested to see the GP.
        Im alos scared how long will i have to suffer….

        1. Hi Martha,

          Did you recover? I’m in the same boat. I took it for two days and feel so weird right now.

      3. Hi Kathleen,

        How are you feeling now? I’m experiencing the same as you and only took it for 2 days.

  6. I’ve recently been taking approximately 15g of l-glutamine to heal leaky gut. I’ve noticed that after taking it my body temperature increases dramatically and can lead to sweating (I am normally run cold in temperature).

    Would this be a negative side-effect related to the brain? I can’t seem to find much information on the temperature side-effect.

  7. Where in Australia in Brisbane noosa and is there a great bio practitioner the one I’ve got at the moment is turning me around in circles
    Makes me,wonder how she is,being trained costing me thousands for a no care attitude

  8. So last year, I was completely healthy, great corporate high paying job, new car, recently married, everything was great, then like a flick of a switch, a rush surged up the back of my head and everything changed. Since that 10 second rush I’ve been in constant Derealization, everyday, all day, like I’m disconnected and in a dream. I have tinnitus, visual disturbance, migraines, occasional vertigo and anxiety. I’ve lost my career and have filed for disability. I was diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease, an inner ear disease and Vestibular Migraines but I sometimes wonder if Glutamine could’ve caused it. About a week before this hit me I started working out and taking BCAA’s which had L Glutamine as a main ingredient, as a pre workout. My first workout I took a full dosage and I was super wired, heart beating fast, I felt completely off so I slowed down to sipping it throughout the day vs all at once. A week later, boom, rush up my head and everything changed. Do you think there could be a connection? I’ve been told by doctors there’s nothing more they can do except prescribe me anxiety meds and am at the end of the road. Please feel free to email.

    1. So glutamine can actually be helpful for treating derealization , some psychologists even prescribe gabapentin (works on GABA receptors). I too have depersonalization/derealization. The most effective treatment though is counseling and getting absorbed in happy things that take up your thoughts. DR/DP gets worse the more that you think about it. You’re going to be alright!

    2. I am having the same thing happening to me. It is awful. I was on 16.5g for 3 weeks and I have not been the same since. This was for leaky gut plus was telling me to drink bone broth and collagen powder. I am so scared I damaged myself and it was extremely negligent of the doctor knowing I already had anxiety and ADD issues.

  9. Samantha,
    I don’t have a primary care physician and I do not have insurance anymore but I do desperately need help with eating disordered and deciding if I’m over methylated or under , I’m homo c677t and currently battling severe anxiety and social anxiety as well as depression and just out of control everything. Anyways I want a consultation with you but was wonder
    How we would go about get testings done and such. Thank you for our insightful website, you are amazing.

    1. My dr knew all this and put me on 16.5g plus telling me to drink bone broth and add collagen powder. Can this cause cell death in this amount of time? I have not been the same and feel really scared. All they can say now is for me to see a psychiatrist. I was completely fine and living a normal life before this. Now my thinking is off and I feel like I cannot function day to day. Will this ever get better?

      1. Hi Kathleen – I’m sorry you’ve had this experience. Testing to determine your biochemical status would help to determine the appropriate nutrients and diet to correct underlying imbalances that caused the reaction, to begin with. So, yes, it will get better.

  10. Hi Sami,

    My Name is Ana. Ive been really sick due to Copper Toxicity because of an IUD I had placed in December of 2015. The one thing I noticed that helped me get unstuck from the obsessive negative thinking, depression and Anxiety was 5g of lglutamine 2x a day. I Know that alot but it was helping me shift my attention and my anxiety and depression has been alot better as well. OF course Im also taking 400 mg of Magnesium and 100 mg of B6. I was just wondering …do you know if there is any connection with Lglutamine and copper toxicity?


  11. I have a leaky gut and my health practitioner told me to take L glutamine , 3 capsules each day. I have been taking 50mg of dosulepin each day to prevent migraines. And have been on them for 4 years Anyway, I’m feeling awful since taking the glutamine, run down, tired, agitated, depressed and have never felt like this before. I’m going to stop taking them!

  12. For people who have been using L-glutamate for gut health but have methylation problems, depression and anxiety, what is a suggestive replacement to help gut health. My son needs his gut health to be better in order to absorb his vitamin/supplements. He has two autoimmune diseases. Gut health is horrible

    1. Man, I wish I knew. I’m in the same boat as your son… At least with the anxiety/autoimmune/leaky gut issue. Most practitioners for dealing with leaky gut/autoimmune (Hashimoto’s in my case) scream from the rooftops that L-Glutamine is indispensable for gut healing, and I have no reason not to believe them. However, taking more than a small amount (nowhere even near the 10-30g a day most places suggest for effectiveness) makes me feel very agitated and unwell. Soooo… when I post asking for alternatives or workarounds to the L-Glutamine problem, I just get silence in response. Frustrating as hell. Perhaps the writer of this article knows of a way to get past this?

      1. I have found that intermittent fasting (no eating for 16 hours every day) is slowly healing my gut issues as well as slowly lessening my anxiety. Don’t need to take any supplements. Just a healthy diet.

  13. I’m a high-mileage runner/athlete in the anxiety/depression, leaky gut, fatigue, brain-fog, gluten sensitivity boat with you all. However, I have had very different results using collagen and l-glutamine. Even months after cleaning up my diet (x-nay the sugars, wheat, and dairy), I was still feeling pretty slow in the head although much better physically. I read that to heal the gut, elimination of the offending foods isn’t enough, that gut-healing supplements are usually needed. I started collagen & glutamine and I only take a half scoop of collagen and 5g of glutamine per day and have noticed my brain fog and fatigue reduced significantly. My memory and mood have improved as well and have realized a general better attitude. I believe the glutamine and/or collagen have been helpful in my case. (Note: I also take fish oil, CoQ10, turmeric, nettle but had taken those before beginning the collagen/glutamine).

  14. I suffer from an anxiety disorder and have a history of having super severe panic attacks.
    I know for a fact that Pheylalnine has caused me to have severe panic attacks.

    I’m fairly certain that I have leaky gut syndrome. I have seen that it is thought by some that L-glutamine may help heal leaky gut syndrome.

    So, might L-glutamine be dangerous for me due to my anxiety-disorder/panic-attacks?

  15. I took glutamine supplement for the first time today due to starting exercising. I couldn’t sleep was actually high and due to me having some issues with life right now I thought I was having a manic episode for the first time. I am bipolar and have a family history of mania. I started reading up on mania and eventually lead me to this site. If this does that for me that has never had mania before I would definitely not recommend someone in same shoes to use the supplement. Thank god it was the supplement because I thought I was having my first manic episode. It’s 4am and feel like I can go another day. Definitely not normal behaviour!!!!!

  16. Hi last year I went to a functional doctor and started taking L-Glutamine for my gut. I only took it for over a week however I started to feel bad with headache and problems sleeping. I stopped taking the supplements and since then I has not been able to sleep. I has been suffering from insomnio for almost a year. I also have GAD 65 antibodies which means the glutamate does not convert to Gaba as easy. So I wonder if taking that supplement increase my glutamate levels and something happened in my brain. I feel fine during the day but at night is so difficult to fall sleep like my brain is wired and I was never like that before taking the supplement. Have you heard anything like this before? Need some help . Thank you

  17. My son has been taking glutamine (1000mg) and suffered sever sleep deprivation. He has developed hypomania. Any idea how long it will take to leave his system and return to regular levels. Trying to avoid resorting to anti psychotics but tip toeing thru this right now. Would suggest anyone avoid unless they are sure it is safe (for them)

    1. As an Info for everybody with L-Glutamine issues. When having the effects of neurotoxicity because L-Glutamine is producing too high Glutamate levels, the fastest way for the brain to come back to normal functioning is taking one of these suplemments. They help to balance glutamate to normal levels:

      – L Taurine
      – B Complex Vitamins. Specially B6 and B12
      – Acetil L Carnitine
      – N Acetyl Cysteine
      – Magnesium
      – Ginger (powder ginger with water and raw Ginger Tea worked the best for me..)
      – Fasting for one, two or three days… The longer you fast the better…

      If you don’t do anything, in some cases the neurotoxic effect can last a very long time depending of the person, the quantity of L-glutamine and other factors…

      I am not a Doctor but I struggled with this problem for a long time and these supplements worked very good for me. I hope this help somebody.

      1. Thank you. I’ve been struggling so bad and stopped them in February and have been so scared to take anything else since. I took a high dose for 3 weeks. How long did you struggle?

  18. I can not take glutamine or any of its precursors as I lose so much quality sleep due to lucid dreaming. Is there some reason that my brain gets too busy from it and L-Theanine etc most of egging are in sleep aids!!

  19. What is your take on gelatine …the Great Lakes grass fed beef?Is this problematic also?

    1. Hi Sophie – I like gelatin and use it in my recipes. However, some people are very sensitive to free glutamates. If you find you tolerate it, I see no reason to exclude it from your diet.

  20. I can not take L-glutamine due to debilitating lucid dreaming. I have been told that its probably a reaction to anxiety and that I have to get my adrenal gland in order. No one has mentioned what other property would do the same wonderful things that L-glutamine does, i.e.: anti-aging on a whole body level.

  21. Hi, I was taking L-Glutamine for 10 days (aprox 2.5 grams dose), with a permanent headache until I realized that this suplement was the culprit. Also one of these days I fell like a small explosion inside my head. I am afraid that this continued headache and the explosion could have produced som kind of brain damage, killed some neurons.
    Do I need to worry?
    After I quit the supplement, it will clean or I need to do something? There is a little headache still. Located in the right side of my head.
    Bone broth also has high glutamine levels, and in that case its not recommended for me?

  22. I started taking L Glutamine (15-30 g daily) to heal my leaky gut, which it really did help. But then I started experiencing those “brain explosions” everyone is talking about here. It never occurred to me that the L Glutamine had a thing to do with it. And though I’ve been eating an impeccably clean diet for four weeks straight, exercising, getting Vitamin D, Omega 3s, etc, I’ve fallen into a moderate/severe depression, agitated by circumstances outside my control, but truly scary! THANK YOU for posting this!!! I’m stopping immediately! Does anyone know how long it takes to recover from having taken this supplement? Am I permanently damaged?

  23. I’ve taken l-glutamine for anxiety and depression and fatigue. And it worked wonders!!
    I’m not sure what this article is talking about. I think that everyone responds differently.
    The only con was that it did make me gain weight, and I got constipated. I think it may contribute to growing bad bacteria as well. So it’s good for short term, but don’t recommend for long term supplementation.

  24. Thanks so much for this article. I suffer from adrenal fatigue and candida and bought some glutamine to help heal my gut. I took 5 grams the first day, about three grams the second day, and 5 grams the third day. after taking it on the third day, I found this article. I already supplement with taurine, but made sure to supplement extra after taking it the third day and reading this. It really helped the balance things out. I also took some magnesium and Ginger like someone suggested another comment. By the time bedtime rolled around, my mind was super active again. at about 12, I was just about to go into sleep when a bright light flash went through my mind. It was really bizarre and kind of freaky. I took more tiring, even though I usually don’t take it right before bed. That helps to calm my mind and then within an hour or so I slept really well for 5 hours or so. When I awoke, I felt off again. I had brain fog. I thought that maybe I had to call in a little bit of brain damage from what had happened. Then I thought to take more tiring, so I did. It even my mind out immediately. I realized that for the towering to work you might have to take it about every 4 hours until your mind gets back to a normal place. I also read the eating foods like kale and broccoli help as well. then I looked into oregano oil because I’ve actually had some symptoms before of high glutamate like OCD and candida infection that becomes very stubborn. I found a study that said that carvacol interacts well with gaba. so I just took some of that with a male and I feel even better than I felt before. I’ve been doing something about every two to three hours to help it. I also found out that licorice root, which I just started a few days ago because of adrenal fatigue, also helps. so if you’re struggling with this or are worried about it just make sure to take some taurine or liquor shoot or something like that. I’ve also read that iodine and manganese help. Thank you so much for this wonderful article and all of the comments. I have had anxiety and depression in the past and so the fact that I reacted to the glutamine made perfect sense and this was a lifesaver to be able to find this and understand what was happening to my brain. I’m also very glad that it doesn’t seem like I incurred a ton of brain damage.

  25. I think this is what is happening to me! I was taking l glutamine only about 1 or 2 grams a day for 18 days… didn’t realize how crazy anxious it was making me because I was looking for gut symptoms! I had energy for sure. Nothing you find online points to these side effects unless you do some digging. Loading period makes sense as symptoms didn’t start right away and developed gradually. Heart palp in middle of night so did not connect. Stopped supplementing still wound up in hospital with tachycardia 3 days later, now on heart meds and have tremors which I was attributing to low blood sugar but they are not better. Nac and glycine increase tremors. No change with taurine (so I should continue?) Green tea helps temporarily. Ginger no difference. Have not tried licorice. Any other suggestions??? Please help! I’m following up with a neurologist and cardiologist. How do I get rid of the excess out of my brain?

  26. What is the correlation between MS and L-glutamine? Is the glutamine safe or should it be avoided?

    1. Hi Jim – Recent evidence suggests altered glutamate homeostasis in the brain of patients with MS. “People with multiple sclerosis have increased levels of the enzyme glutaminase (the enzyme that converts glutamine into glutamate) in areas of nerve fiber damage. High levels of glutamine in the diet would increase glutamate levels near these injured areas magnifying the damage. It has been shown that excitotoxicity plays a major role in multiple sclerosis by destroying the cells (oligodendrocytes) that produce myelin.” Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. If you have MS, I recommend staying away from all sources of glutamine.

  27. Sammi, What about L-Theanine (N-ethyl-L-glutamine)? It is supposed to help with anxiety and sleep. Recommendation?

  28. I have been taking 1000mg capsule once a day for about 10 days and at the same time started taking Ashwagandha. I generally am feeling MUCH better, but I do have a vaguely speedy feel and think I’m not sleeping as well, but my low grade depression/anxiety seem much better and I have stopped craving sugar and alcohol. I started taking L-Glutamine to help stop drinking and its great for that and I am loving that I’m not stress eating anymore, but a bit worried about the slightly wound up feeling I have and not great sleep. I think my original depression/anxiety was linked to drinking and the L-Gluatmine really helps with that and avoiding sugar, do I still need to avoid it? I am super careful to not ever take more than 1 and just got some 500mg capsules I am going to try, but I worry that I’m doing longer term damage?
    It’s so hard because I generally feel WAY better – happier, more inspired to get things done, call people and socialize. It’s just the sleep and I guess eventually lack of appetite that worry me (I have about 20lbs to lose so not worried about the appetite thing now.)

  29. Thank you very much for sharing this great information about glutamine. It’s been 1.5 years since I have started gymming. I have been taking whey protein supplements for the last year. But recently my gym trainer started insisting me to take glutamine and bcaa for better muscle growth and recovery. But I always used to doubt if glutamine is good enough as my trainer says. But after reading this article, I know that glutamine will help me in my muscle-building journey. This opened my eyes. Thank you eatfor.life for this useful knowledge.

  30. I took glutamate in a powder for about two months.I have BP2 and I ended up having having bad insomnia.Any one else have this occur?Very serious!

  31. Hi. I posted earlier. How long does it take to have damage from l-glutamine. My dr had me taking 16.5 broken up and the their nutritionist had me drinking bone broth and adding collagen powder. I wish I had read up instead of trusting. I’m really worried about brain damage from this. Took for 3 weeks and now have chronic panic, anxiety, fear abs worry for months. I stopped taking over a month ago. Everyone says I don’t have brain damage from that short of time but I just can’t get right and now have to go to a host of other doctors to figure this out. Why do drs prescribe for leaky gut. My digestion was ok but it came up on test with zonulin so was treated. I think too aggressive and they knew I already had some anxiety and ADD issues. I see people reacting to 5g. Wish I had just stopped it but didn’t know. Just following protocol. Feel like they messed me up and scared this is not going to get better

  32. What can I take to heal my gut instead of L glutamine? Also how can I know if I’m overmethylated I suffer from autoimmune disease anxiety and depression

    1. What??? I thought glutamine was supposed to help calm and relax you whilst reducing fatigue. A lot of people use this like bodybuilders.

  33. Has anyone fully recovered? I had a horrible panic attack Feb 8 after taking about 16 grams a day for 3 weeks l glutamine for “leaky gut” from a functional medicine doctor. It is now April and I am still dealing with panic, anxiety, depression and not being able to function. the doctors tell me that once I stopped I should recover and not to worry about damaging my brain. I have been seeking answers and drs want to put me on SSRI now and I have had horrible reactions. This was all just for searching for optimal health. I do not even think my digestion was bad but whatever test they did said I had leaky gut so I followed protocol. I now know I am an overmethalator and I have had ADD and anxiety in the past. They should have never given me such a high dose.
    I have been vibrant in life and now feel like a shell of myself. I need to know if this will get better. Was taking the l-glutamine a spark to this fire? It has been really scary. Just want to see if any of the people who posted earlier have recovered.

    1. Hi Kat B,

      Did you recover? I took this supplement for 2 days and stopped because I was feeling horrible. I have a little bit of anxiety now. Just wondering how you’re feeling?

  34. I have adhd, not on any meds for it just good diet, no alcohol and healthy lifestyle keeps everything in good nick
    I took small dose of pure glutamine powder 2 days in a row with some ginger juice, I had mild reaction on day 1 but because I was busy I didn’t notice and day 2 took me down like a house, falling asleep midday, headache, forgetfulness, aggressive, emotional, hypersensitivity to things like coffee or any high energy foods, jaw clenching and muscle soreness and nothing seemed to alleviate it either.
    I will never touch the stuff again but I learned a lot from the experience.

  35. I’ve had stomach issues for 20 years after food poisoning. I have a constant bloated burning stomach lining, which is upset by everything. One I-Glutamine pill with food immediately helps my stomach pains, reducing body aches, neck gland ache. However, after 30 mins l become extremely anxious and sweating. It also affects my breathing as does collagen, which also helps my stomach.

    I’m at a loss!!

  36. Hi, I heard that l- glutamine is a good supplement to help with reducing alcohol cravings, And increasing gaba. Which is supposed to help with anxiety. What are your thoughts?
    Can you take l- glutamine and a gaba supplement together? Will that give too much gaba? Thankyou, I await for your response.

    1. Hi Samantha,
      I recently started giving my adult son who sustained a severe TBI from a MVA 14 yrs ago. L-Alanyl Glutamine powder and a GABA supplement. I did this thinking I was helping him, he has severe violent behaviors directed towards himself. I came across your article! Thank you! We had noticed at the Foster Home in lives in that his behaviors increased it was like 20 fold! Luckily I had asked the caregivers to stop all new supplements, cautionary. My question is GABA ok? I’m thinking GABA might calm him, without the glutamine present?

      1. Hi Robin,
        Thanks for sharing your experience with us. GABA is wonderful for calming and I often recommend it.

  37. Is there anyone who has eliminated glutamine fully from body/brain?
    I jus took half tea spoon, had a panIc attack, and since then I haven’t been myself. I feel like my brain is not breathing well, have a pressure on my head all time, my brain comes and goes and I feel like I’m going crazy.
    I also have low gaba levels and I’m very scared this have damaged my brain cells.
    Thanks for your help

  38. I took glutamine and I’m having intense anxiety, insomnia and tinnitus. I don’t wish this on anyone. My psychiatrist has me taking NeuroCalm by Designs for Health. It has all the supplements other comments here have recommended, taurine, B vitamins, theanine. God I hope it works. Just trying to be helpful

  39. I’ve had terrible side effects from Ashwagandha. Got severe feelings of depression, anxiety and anhedonia. Thank you SO MUCH for your blog post on Ashwagandha as well, since this helped me to find the culprit in my symptoms.

    I stopped the Ashwagandha for two weeks now, starting to feel a little better. However I am not there 100%…once or twice a day still, I get these very depressive lows.

    Since I stopped the Ash, I started taking Glutamine. Is this perhaps keeping me from feeling 100%?

  40. My new Dr has me on a detox/gut helper/binder powder w glutamine. (I have gut issues and lyme). I have bad nerve pain and have always steered clear of glutamate (especially) and ‘mine just in case. My pain has gotten more frequent in weeks b4 I started it, now I’m on it and pain is mult times daily. I’m just wondering if any connection.

    1. Hi Danielle,
      Yes, there is a connection. While I cannot provide guidance on a blog comment, I encourage rethinking the use of this supplement.

  41. Was given a vitamin infusion just to have more energy but instead have had a bad reaction! Wonder if it could have been the glutamine?? Reaction is in the form of severe anxiety in the mornings particularly. Raised cortisol.

  42. I tried glutamine supplements for by IBS, only twice, and both times I experienced dizziness, elevated heart rate, hands shaking, anxiety, and a higher body temperature. It was intense! My therapist recommended GABA for my anxiety, which does have a very profound anti-anxiety effect, even at small doses. The idea that glutamine excites brain cells and GABA calms them makes perfect sense to me and has given me more clues as to what might be doing on in my brain.

  43. Hi, I took it for a month and a half before diving deeper into why I was feeling the way I was. At first glance, everything I read was good, but then started to land on more of the negative side effects and there are so many comments below that resonate with how I have felt over the last couple of weeks. I stopped taking it about a week ago. How long until it’s out of my system and will I be able to return to normal?

    1. Had a high blood pressure episode two weeks ago and, although I’m not feeling as bad as I felt the first week, I’m still off. The episode happened 30 minutes/1 hour after taking l-glutamine for gym, so I wonder if it was actually a panic attack caused by it.

      I feel very anxious and kinda “off”, stopped working and have another week off but I need to recover eventually or they’ll eventually fire me. Not sure if I’m just anxious from the hb pressure or if it is the l glutamine. Already checked myself with a cardiologist and might need to see a psychiatrist. Anyone with success stories?

  44. Hi Sami,

    Had a high blood pressure episode two weeks ago and, although I’m not feeling as bad as I felt the first week, I’m still off. The episode happened 30 minutes/1 hour after taking l-glutamine for gym, so I wonder if it was actually a panic attack caused by it. I feel like my life is not the same.

    I feel very anxious and kinda “off”, stopped working and have another week off but I need to recover eventually or they’ll eventually fire me. Not sure if I’m just anxious from the hb pressure or if it is the l glutamine. It’s been 2 weeks and a half, if it’s the L-Glutamine, will it ever wear off?

      1. Hi Kelsey, are you feeling the same as me? Have you experienced slight derealization, weird depth perception, high levels of anxiety? Are you able to work and laugh?

  45. Had an IV infusion containing 500mg of glutathione & have had a very bad reaction. Wondering if anyone else knows about this?
    Jane Hickey

  46. I started taking L-glutamine on 2/16/24 for my gastritis as I read that it would help repair the damaged lining in the stomach which it seems to work. However, it triggered serious nervous problems, feelings of extreme anxiety, depression and insomnia as it triggers brain activity. I am glad I found this article, I just didn’t know what was wrong with me, I stopped taking L-glutamine immediately, i thought I was going crazy. Thank you.

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience with us, Donald. L-glutamine is great for gut repair but not the brain. I’m glad you stopped taking it.

    2. Hi I took l glutamine for a several days recently and stopped taking it when I started having bad anxiety and depressed. I found out it was a side affect of this supplement. Do the side effects decrease over time?

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